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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2024 in all areas

  1. Another factor to consider is that, while most people on this forum refer to the end section as a monolithic group, I’m not entirely convinced that’s the case. Whenever I’ve ventured up to that section to soak in some of the atmosphere, there is indeed a core group of lads at the very front, but the faces I’ve seen in the middle to the back of the section, and around that area, vary considerably. They also vary in age. I’ve seen very young lads who appear to be around 15, as well as older guys doing their best to lead the proceedings. My belief is that, while there’s an element of organisation concerning the drums, chants, and displays we see within the stadium, I don’t think we can hold the collective responsible for what happens outside of that. Once everyone leaves the stadium, I’d say that everyone is responsible for their own actions. For example, the section is known to sell scarves, t-shirts, and so on to help fund the banners and displays. What’s to stop me and three of my mates from buying some of the merchandise, showing up to the game, loitering at the back of the section, and then heading out after the game wearing the merchandise, all hyped up on adrenaline from a good performance, and deciding we want to cause trouble in a pub or have a go at some opposition fans? Would the guys who lead the chants and hold the drums be held responsible for that? The above theoretical situation could easily occur without me or my mates having ever really met the group as a whole. It’s for this reason that I believe the individuals involved in trouble in surrounding pubs and so on need to be held accountable as individuals. If they break the law and are charged and found guilty, then no one can complain if and when stadium bans are issued. Comparisons with the Green Brigade are, I believe, off the mark. As mentioned above, I’ve stood at the back of that East sStand section and in the section next to it and have heard very little in terms of political chanting. I’ve never seen a Palestinian flag, and apart from some jabs at the police, I don’t really see or hear much to be concerned about. My viewpoint is that I would hold the group as a whole responsible for planned in-stadium chants and banners, absolutely. That’s something they collectively work on and deliver as a whole. Incidents outside the stadium? Not for me. And I’m not saying those incidents didn’t happen. I wasn’t there, I didn’t see them. I’m just saying that those incidents should see the individuals responsible held accountable. Surely no one can expect the end section organising group to be held responsible? Regarding the recent boycott situation, I’ll reiterate my point that I believe any fan charged with a football-related offence should be suspended by the club, and then banned if they are found guilty by the courts. If charges are dropped, then the ban should be lifted. That’s based on the club’s actions being taken on the basis of the criminal charges. If the club has banned someone for an in-stadium situation that perhaps doesn’t require police action, then fair enough. That’s a different matter. Another question that's slightly separate I have is what qualifies as a “football-related” incident? Is there a specific set of parameters that define this somewhere? If I get into a fight with someone outside a pub on a Tuesday afternoon, it seems that I’m dealt with differently by the law compared to if I do the same outside a football ground on a Saturday evening, correct? When is the cut-off point? Two hours after a game finishes? At what point does the individual causing issues shift from being a “football fan” to just being a guy?
    2 points
  2. Yes, that poster seems to have form for going off on weird tangents. They seem to say a lot without really saying anything. Denied being privvy to inside information earlier only to say that they received some from a position of trust lol. Wrapped up with oneself methinks. Hopefully, the Bois can iron out any issues that they have with the club or with certain employees, but I simply can't see that perfect relationship ever blossoming. On the opening day of the league season, it was nice to see that big banner display across the middle of the JH Stand, which obviously required both parties to arrange that, but then only a matter of weeks later we're getting a boycott for other reasons.
    2 points
  3. If you want to harp on about people not knowing the correct facts then surely a quick copy and paste from your sources would help matters, telling someone to source them suggests that you're talking nonsense and that they don't exist. However I love how you were able to personally access all the correct information on incidents regarding Killie, Kirkcaldy, Rangers and the most recent infractions while the rest of us are trying to work out what has been happening. Oh and not to mention our discussion on Dean Cornelius moving to England where you convinced me you were his da with your apparent insider knowledge. I think a lot of people on here and over on P and B buy in to what you say due to your grandiloquent style of posting but I think it's clear as day you know heehaw and for whatever reason very defensive on this topic.
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. Very true record of 0.2 goals per game playing his trade in league 1. Clarke has no clue.
    1 point
  6. If I was Tommy Conway and I saw carthorse dykes get game ahead of him I would think what is the point?
    1 point
  7. Barron, Conway and Johnston would have been better off playing against Spain last night than sitting on the bench for the Senior team on Thursday.
    1 point
  8. I don't think it's a old firm bias but it is infuriating. Maguire used to play over Turnbull in the U21s set up. They just don't have a fucking clue.
    1 point
  9. He played Campbell off a striker quite often which sums up how he views football. I can remember a game where Barry Maguire started and Turnbull was on the bench. Watching that game last night it didn't feel like we were trying to get anything from it. The SFA coaches seem to think that they don't need to win games, just avoiding getting gubbed is ok.
    1 point
  10. Looking at the decor in the apartment I'm guessing we're keeping him in a safe house at a undisclosed location.
    1 point
  11. Gemmill 🤝 Clarke Two clowns.
    1 point
  12. Will be a hard game. We are both in good form and unbeaten for the last 3 games. Would be happy with a draw
    1 point
  13. Nice to see some folk are still cabbages.
    1 point
  14. I hate this post and anybody who agrees with it.
    1 point
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