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  1. No Motherwell fan hates Rangers more than they love Motherwell. Some hate Rangers more than they hate Celtic though, and that seems to get up your nose, or at least under your skin enough to make comments like that. Halliday is playing better because he is being used properly in a system that he can contribute to. I think we can all unite and get behind that, no? šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜
    8 points
  2. Apologies in advance, long winded post šŸ™‚ I started going to Motherwell with my da' (because my old man was a 'Well fan when he was younger) in about 1972/3 and got my first season ticket (old main stand, 5 rows back, 5 seats in) in '75 for the start of the new 10 team premier league. A few games into the season, we played Rangers and the row in front of me was full of their fans. This was my first experience of them (aged about 12). A sat with my old man and we were sat between a couple of folk that some on here may know. Don St John, a disabled club singer and Andy Edgar (later to become Hamilton Accies photographer). Early in the game, Don called John Grieg a 'clown' and was harassed, threatened, had a punch swung at him and was told for the whole game that he was 'getting it' down the back stairs. Over the years, I've witnessed and ended up sadly getting involved in numerous and regular altercations with their fans in the main stand. Call it luck, call it whatever, but I've never actually had to deal with that kind of shit from Celtic fans. Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not saying they don't have cunty fans as well, i've just never had to deal with any. As a result of these experiences at a young age, it gave me a really deep seated hatred of them (chuck in the 95/96 cup semi for good measure). Celtic to me are just another team that I love seeing us beat, along with any other team we play but I have to admit I get that extra wee spring in my step when we pump the currant buns. None of this has anything to do with religion or background. If I followed a team cause of where I went to school i'd be a h*n and if I followed my pals from my childhood who i played football with up the park, i'd probably, on balance, be a tim. I'm neither. I'm a Motherwell fan and have inflicted the same on my kids šŸ™‚ I certainly don't hate Rangers more than I love Motherwell and I certainly don't have any 'sympathies' for the other lot.
    4 points
  3. I actually donā€™t think itā€™s purely football related. I think some of our pro union thinking supporters think that when some of us have a go at Rangers and their Union Jack waving, god save the king, drum bangers, that they take this as a personal slight on them and their beliefs. i think we have a large number of pro Scotland/ pro independence supporters at the club and for some reason a minority of our pro union fans think some of us are pro Celticā€¦ā€¦. Speaking as a pro independence supporter,(sorry if that annoys anyone) I canā€™t stand either Rangers or Celtic, but I do get a bit of sick in my mouth when I see the butchers apron (Union Jack) But I do think anyone who has the urge to post on this forum clearly does so as they are Motherwell fans through and through and I donā€™t believe anyone hates teams more than they love our sideā€¦. As thatā€™d be mental.
    3 points
  4. To be honest, i didnt think otherwise. What seems very strange however is that you are absolutley sure some of our fans hate Rangers more than they love Motherwell...... but yet you spew venom (rightly or wrongly) at the other arse cheek and dont stop to think it could be viewed in the exact same way...... A bit of self awareness mate goes a long way šŸ˜‰
    3 points
  5. Was first three for Kettlewell was it not ? The players were bought into what he was doing for the remainder of the season he took over. Didn't go wrong till a bit after that. You could probably argue that they bought in for the first round of games this season. Wimmer's influence on the team so far has been remarkable and he gets a standing ovation from me for it ! But i'm always nervous about getting too excited just because I know that the vast majority of managers of most teams meet an acrimonious end at some point šŸ™‚ Lets just hope the Wimmer revolution lasts a bit longer.
    2 points
  6. Rangers are his big team, nobody in west Centre Scotland ever believes you when you say i just support Motherwell or Partick or St Mirren etc.
    2 points
  7. I was brought up in the 60s and schooled in a Rangers environment and I loved football. My first strip was a Rangers one, my first game attended was a Rangers one. I was oblivious to the other stuff around that (at first) but as I grew older and went to more games that changed, the culmination in that was a game v Hibs, sitting with my dad in the posh seats, (his bosses season tkts) while the smartly dressed guy in front with wife by his side stood up and called Pat Quinn every sweary anti catholic insult you could think of and nothing was said. I was 12 and can remember it as if it was yesterday, I never went back and drifted away from senior football until after a change of school in EK I met lads who were Well fans and found my spiritual home, 50 years later, still lifelong friends. I have a deep rooted dislike of Rangers and Celtic and everything both of them stand for. With the odd exception you cannot have a reasonable football discussion with fans of either, who view everything through their tinted glasses and cannot comprehend any other view. Deep as that feeling is I do not dislike either of them more than I love my club which stands for everything I believe in, and I believe all of us who take the harder road of supporting a 'smaller' club do so from that perspective. I honestly do not believe any Well fan hates either of the arse cheeks (detestable as they are) more than support our club; that is our overriding purpose.
    1 point
  8. A big concern for us should be the potential for Robbo to set St Mirren up to kick lumps out of us and cause some bad injuries. We need to be smart going into this game.
    1 point
  9. Yes, anything than Lennon signing for one of the OF. If he has to go and it's not to Lyon, maybe Mr Wimmer could facilitate a suitable German destination where he can play regularly and develop further.
    1 point
  10. Thats true. Or a 1 trick pony if he sets us in attack mode & st mirren snuff us out
    1 point
  11. Oh yes they do. Itā€™s a small minority though, granted, but there are definitely some in our support whose dislike of Rangers outweighs their love of Motherwell. Iā€™ve been at Fir Park enough times and heard enough comments about enough players and read enough comments on here and other social media to know that there are some in our support who absolutely DO hate Rangers more than they like Motherwell. Anyway weā€™re going off topic here so Iā€™ll leave it at that and apologise to the Admin team for the temporary derailment of the thread.
    1 point
  12. Its a superb start. Obviously the wins help but the turnaround in style, intent & intesity compared to what we have been used to is there for all to see. Cant get too carried away yet but its very encouraging & dare i say it, exciting! Been a while since we could say that. Enjoy him while we have him. If he turms out to be as good as we hope then he's not going to stick around long.
    1 point
  13. Great to hear that Andy Halliday was sticking up for us I don't have a problem with who a player supports , or where loyalties lie All u can ask for is that a player puts in an honest shift like he did , same as the likes of Davie Cooper, Bobby Russell and Tommy Coyne did
    1 point
  14. You can tell that's a fake richt awa because they didnae hae screw-taps in the 17th. centuroid šŸ¤£
    1 point
  15. I read a book about reverse psychology. It wasn't very good. You shouldn't buy it.
    1 point
  16. 3-1. Casey to score a perfect hat-trick.
    1 point
  17. Thatā€™s a very good post with alot of good points. And you may well be right about politics playing a part in some peopleā€™s thinking with regards to foootball. As much as I hate it and donā€™t get it, that happens in this country and some people just cannot separate the two. What I would say to counter your argument though is that I think there are also some in our support who perceive any criticism of Celtic or someone stating a dislike of them more than Rangers as being pro-Rangers/pro-Union/pro-Orange order and (perhaps most ludicrous of all) anti catholic. I canā€™t speak for everyone but my dislike of Celtic is based on football, my own experiences of them and the way their supporters act and the attitudes they display. Itā€™s not driven by politics or religion. Finally, while I have to admit that you are very much one of the posters on here whom I base my ā€œhate Rangers more than they like Motherwellā€ at due to your previous posts about how you were never a fan of Stuart McCall due to your dislike of all things Rangers despite him doing well with us and how you wouldnā€™t want Barry Ferguson at FP watching a game never mind being involved in managing us, I have never believed that this was down to you being pro-Celtic. I just think some of your posts suggest you were a ā€˜Rangers haterā€™ first and foremost and a Motherwell supporter second.
    0 points
  18. Imagine if he ends up at Grayskull after a stunning three months with us šŸ˜±.........
    0 points
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