No way the club are offloading a player we paid a 6 figure sum for without trying to re-hab him and recoup some of our outlay. It would be very poor business to do so.
The 3 injuries he has had are all different, so to suggest that his body isnt equipped for Scottish football without any further knowledge or medical information is presumptious at best.
Given that he has 2 years left on his contract he wont be going anywhere. Better to offload some of the players we already know are not up to the standard/fitness required for Wimmerball and give us options/support up front. The loan boys will be away with Armstrong the only one Id consider trying to get permanently.
Also, I think we need to be careful with suggesting that his injuries are "convenient". He may well be finding it difficult to settle, but how do you fake having surgery and a metal plate in your wrist? We need to give the boy a break and all the support we can as a club AND as a support.