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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2025 in all areas

  1. When will people realise that Clarke and the rest of the Scotland management are useless fuds, constantly filling the squads with bang average at best non Scots just because their Granny or Granpa ate shortbread at the expense of homegrown talent like Miller etc. Its time for the whole management team to be binned and replaced.
    3 points
  2. DC was a wonderful player (always remember Gullit's assessment of him) but credit to us too for giving him a new lease of life and allowing him to virtually play as he wished. One thing I particularly noticed about David when I saw him every week was that opponents couldn't even get near enough to kick him, he was so aware and so instinctive as a player. I was fortunate enough to work with his gentleman of a brother, who gave me Davie's MoTM engraved wine glass for his performance against Falkirk in the 1991 cup match when I retired. An easy thing to raise a glass to DC when the sad day in March comes around each year. Thirty-eight is dreadfully young to be passing away these days. Thanks for the memories, Mr Cooper.
    3 points
  3. There would have been no harm whatsoever in bringing on Lennon Miller with a few minutes to go. By that time the tie was well and truly lost. Give him his first cap. That kind of attitude is what is holding our international team back.
    3 points
  4. 30 years tomorrow since the great man passed . Heard there is a tribute at Hampden tomorrow planned A proper Well legend 💯
    2 points
  5. I had that one as well, to this day every time I hear the Queen song It's a Kind of Magic it makes me think of Davie Cooper
    2 points
  6. I think that fact that we brought in Bobby Russell before that just made it a perfect fit for Cooper. The two of them could read each other's minds.
    2 points
  7. Clarke will tell the press that there are positives to take from a 3-0 humping at home and they’ll lap it up without a challenge to him. not one of them has the balls to call him out on his diabolical football style and blind loyalty to Arse licking older players. I’d have sacked him after that Germany game…… at half time!!!!
    1 point
  8. Scotland were really poor tonight , deserved win for Greece . Lennon Miller could not have been any worse at all
    1 point
  9. Whys Kenny McClean getting start before miller? Scotland abysmal. Least Greece giving younger players a chance.
    1 point
  10. Tam Cowan had some good stories on off the Ball today Spoke about Cooper's debut a 4-1 game at Killie Also mentioned we went top of the league in October 89 , with Cooper and Russell and he went to a petrol station just after midnight to get a copy of an early morning newspaper to see Motherwell top of the league There was a queue of people who had the exact same idea
    1 point
  11. It seems an appropriate time to mention the excellent ‘Super Cooper - Davie Cooper Story’ on VHS. I recall it being one my favourite videos to watch as a young ‘Well fan.
    1 point
  12. Scott McTominay sticking up for Lennon today:
    1 point
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