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Everything posted by KirkySuperSub

  1. Got it on BBC Gealic (FM 104.7) in the car.
  2. Is Sutton back at Tynecastle this year? His loan deal in Oz expired?
  3. Just past the team coach heading down Airbles Road there. Must be planning a night out in Inverness tonight!!
  4. Don't know about being a comedian, but he certainly gives Sean Batty a run for his money in the campness stakes at least.
  5. Imagine the number of yellow cards we'd get for time wasting, waiting for the music to stop before taking the corner!!
  6. The only thing that's pissing me off is the fact I managed to get down to Fir Park on time last night, got into the PoD without any hassles and there was no c**t sitting in my seat. So I've fuck all to moan about.
  7. That's one phrase I never thought I'd ever hear.
  8. Voted for Las, not least for the number of attacks he broke down in the middle of the park. Exceptional performance last night, as others said, bodes well for season as long as we can keep him on the park for most of our games.
  9. A couple of strategically placed crowd barriers at the top of the queue to hoard the crowd into using every turnstile seems to be the sensible answer. Even as strapped of cash as we are, I'm sure this wouldnae exactly break the bank.
  10. Aye, a couple of hundred maybe.
  11. Just looked like paper, but during play up that end. Disappointing though.
  12. Any chance someone can pm me and let me know which pub is "the pub". I think I know what one it is, but I want to double- check, so I don't turn up to the wrong one like a fud!
  13. Aye, fair comment. I hope what I heard was indeed crap, as like many on here, I'd like to see Saunders get a decent chance to shine this year.
  14. That's the part I didnae get Melvin. If I were a professional football player and my manager had just told me I would have little part to play in the coming season and this happened right at the start of the summer transfer window, I think I'd be making a nuisance of myself to my agent to find me a move.
  15. Fair enough. I'm obviously going on second hand conversations, which I appreciate. But I was also told that it was Saunders himself who told the young player that.
  16. As I mentioned to Brazilian a few weeks ago when I was sending over my cash for the sponsored strips, I work beside the father of one of the young guys coming through the ranks and he mentioned this to me a couple of weeks ago, apparently McCall has told Saunders personally that he'll struggle to get games this season, even when he's fully fit, so I guess Ya Beezer is on the right lines.
  17. I remember the Morton fans on P&B calling him "clown shoes". I think his performance in January was par for the course for him, judging by some of the comments!
  18. So two chunks of ice in the spirits then?
  19. I'm the same, unless I completely missed it, I didn't see anywhere obvious during the transaction to leave your message for display, so I've just emailed the enquiries email address at the top of the page along with my email receipt letting them know what I want to be displayed. Hope that should be enough.
  20. Good luck with that, I've been paid up since April and I'm still waiting on something back from the club to clarify my membership - albeit I did get to vote in the recent Newco vote.
  21. What's the opinion on Harry Ramsden's first 45 minutes?
  22. There's an idea Frazzle, put them through a boil wash and they'll soon be big enough.
  23. So, just so's I'm clear, are we all cancelling SKY or are we just cancelling SKY SPORTS...?! 'Cause my misses will go nuts if I tell her she disnae get to see her Kardashians and the rest of that reality TV shite!!!
  24. I've run out of negative rep points today.
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