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Everything posted by KirkySuperSub

  1. £10 sent, will pm though as I forgot to add in my username!
  2. Just been in and picked up two Champs League tickets. It's a good feeling, feels like the new football season is just round the corner...
  3. What about Adam...Great at Blackpool bloody pants at Rangers...SPL
  4. Fatcalf, some alcohol and some crayons...
  5. In fact, I've started if off (sober as well!) with a yearly purchase for the 'Well lotto.
  6. This in itself is an excellent idea. I can envisage a number of drunken purchases, no doubt from myself included, when under the influence that might not normally be made with a sober mind!!
  7. The bar could have been doing with being positioned along the long wall for match days, allowing for more staff serving.
  8. I'm sure they'd be a few volunteers willing to help out where thet could, say three hours or so pre-match graft for free entry in the game?
  9. How about we get a lawyers letter sent to the SPL demanding our prize winnings for coming 2nd last season?!
  10. Some man Mic, you're saving the clubs future single handedly!!
  11. What about McCall's gear? Only asking, as I 'might' be able to squeeze into that!!
  12. Ironically, got a letter in today saying my Sky's going up another £2.50 a month as well!!
  13. For those who never actually heard what was said on the radio...erm, what actually was said? And by whom?
  14. ^^ Don't be so fucking stupid, that'll never catch on.
  15. I'm just trying to work out what to spend my last two £75 Well Society installments on now, if this comes into play.
  16. Probably should know this, but where has he played when he's played for Scotland u-21's?
  17. I'm always amazed at how many people claim to know just how much footballers are actually paid these days. Do they go around leaving their payslips lying at their arse like??
  18. Worrying. I take this means we are likely to go with Hateley in midfield for next season then?
  19. I'm in Manchester that weekend or I'd be there. I might star in a one man demonstration at either the Etihad or Old Trafford though.
  20. Even thought Celtic will have the salary budget to dwarf every other team in the league, I'm struggling to see how any professional football player in their right mind, with any ounce of talent and with any ounce of integrity will be willing to sign for them if there is no challenge there.
  21. I dunno if I'm just not getting this, but what assets is there to transfer? Surely to fuck, any player in their right mind will get themselves sorted out with a new club pronto, hence no player assets. Surely to fuck HMRC's Administrators will come on and look to sell off Ibrox, Murray Park, the car parks, the fucking burger van sites and whatever else they can sell in order to create a fund that will give the creditors a better return than the '9p in the £' deal that Green was offering and hence, all assets gone!! Am I missing something here? Is it not as cut and dried as this? Or am I miles off?
  22. With or without James McFadden, you've got to assume Celtic will walk the league next season anyway. So apart from the usual melodramatic, over-the-top comments on here, really what difference will it make whether he does sign for them or not?
  23. Could be up against another ex-EPL player. Niko Krancjar to Dynamo Kiev.
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