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Everything posted by KirkySuperSub

  1. You're right, I never done my research thoroughly enough, confetti it'll have to be then.
  2. How about trying these badboys out?? Probably have the same effect and look as good as the recent 'efforts'.
  3. Looks like he's been at the pies.
  4. Mr Diggle must be away for lunch. I'm pretty sure he'd have responded sooner to this otherwise.
  5. Not a patch on the Falls of Clyde!!
  6. Even worse than last weeks fickle attempt. Maybe try party poppers next week? The coloured paper streamers might add to the atmosphere more.
  7. I fucking am so...don't you go starting nasty rumours...ya knobrash.
  8. I take it you weren't playing then, eh?
  9. You should have responded that a drum is a percussion instrument.
  10. How long does the train take from Inverness to Glasgow? I thought the last train from Central to Motherwell is after midnight at the weekends, is it not?
  11. That didnae go down too well with either set of supporters. It was funny watching the wee guy giving the police the run around though, running through the Saints fans to get away from them, then still swinging rattle as he's carted off down the exit.
  12. Yet another thread descends into the all too familiar "I'm a better 'Well fan than you" debacle.
  13. Was a close call between Humphrey and Reynolds. Went for Reynolds in the end.
  14. ::Edited for drunkeness:: I only asked what the reference to Levein was about.
  15. Can someone please remind me what the Nick Cusack reference is all about? It wasn't before my time, but I'm afraid I don't have the Robocop type memory for all things Motherwell of others on here.
  16. In fact, maybe a better question is... Would Crags have got as many caps as he did with Northern Ireland as he would have if he played for Scotland?
  17. I want to start by saying that I am a MAJOR Crags supporter. However, what I'd like to know, after nearly 50 caps for Northern Ireland whilst playing for us, IF those caps were for Scotland, would everyone be as delighted, chuffed, happy, content etc? I'm going to be honest, I've no idea of Northern Ireland's results and stats with Crags playing. I'm only thinking of this after reading this thread and the Reynolds thread and trying to compare our two centre backs. My drunken opinion, Crags for me is going to down as a club legend, but Reynolds as a defender will still be head and shoulders above him as a player. So what does everyone else think? Like I said, I'm no football or tactical genius, only saying what I see.
  18. How would that work? He'd just let his 6 month contract run down and do exactly the same as he's just done, joined someone on a free.
  19. Never met the chap, but always sad to hear of someone close to the club pass away. RIP Russell.
  20. Obviously an old picture, not seen an orange baw for years. I'm guessing Roy Race is spending as much on 'Just For Men' as Craigan these days.
  21. And where exactly do you get ones of those on the type of money we'd be able to afford?
  22. We wouldn't need to play 44 games if we had a bigger league and only played each other twice, but that'll never happen.
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