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  1. Disgraceful window. The whole club is in free fall and let’s be very honest we will be lucky not to be in the playoff. Not pushing the boat out to bring in Van Veen is atrocious.
  2. Jim is head of sport at New College Lanarkshire so probably speaking to the club regarding college links.
  3. Should we ever bother playing Rangers again or just give them the victory!!!!! This is performance is a total embarrassment and McCall has some serious explaining to do!!!!!!
  4. I love my Well but on nights like this its very hard to!!!
  5. Players are and always have been a bunch of bottlers in big games .... Cup Final ect !!!
  6. A fecking disgrace!!!! McCall doesn't even look bothered!!!
  7. More angry with the players to be honest cause they just gave up after the penalty!!!
  8. Fecking disgraceful performance!!! Craig brown knew how to set up away from home in the SPL, McCall hasn't a clue!!!!!!!! Embarrassing
  9. This is not what I wanted on my birthday of all days!!!!!!
  10. Blame the players what more can McCall do out there??? End of season /start of next is when we can start judging the manager.
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