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Everything posted by numpty

  1. Even that wasn't particularly wondrous, he just ran onto a through ball with which Xavi had decided to split his own defence.
  2. We've tried to sell many times before. Nobody is ever interested.
  3. Maybe we could give the CEO job to an AI chatbot. Here's the application letter that ChatGPT wrote when I asked it:
  4. Faddy nowhere near any managerial role for me please, assistant or otherwise.
  5. Wonder if there's actually any realistic suggestion that wouldn't result in some folk saying "good shout" and twice as many saying "no fucking thanks".
  6. Daily Record of course headlining that story with "former Dundee United and Rangers goalkeeper Billy Thomson".
  7. So do I when I cut myself shaving, that doesn't give me concussion though.
  8. Not sure fielding half a team of people who've never played together before will necessarily help, even though our usual starters look like they haven't either. I'm prepared to reserve judgement until the new arrivals are up to speed.
  9. 私たちの素晴らしいウィークラブへようこそ, if Google is to be believed.
  10. Well, you kind of can. If our coaching staff aren't teaching them and practising how to stop making those kind of mistakes, then they're going to keep making them.
  11. We might have a more likeable manager, but I haven't seen much in the way of exciting football recently.
  12. Not surprised having to watch that team on that pitch every other week.
  13. Looks like it's working again today, cheers. (And Happy Christmas!)
  14. Was working fine yesterday, but today the email notifications of new posts are truncated to a few lines rather than showing the whole post. Can we have the full post back please?
  15. Ah, that's why all my forum email filtering rules suddenly stopped working then!
  16. Final score 4-0. Not exactly a morale-booster, but hopefully got some minutes into some legs.
  17. Found the love of his life in Lanarkshire too (well, his wife anyway), so can't be all bad.
  18. Barely remember him playing, but always remember his Football 78 sticker for some reason.
  19. I'm getting Ally Graham vibes from this suggestion.
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