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Everything posted by decorator

  1. the board ask me before they vote on anything
  2. im back for the celtic game then amsterdam the next day hope motherwell finish 3rd so they can get a kazakhstan TEAM
  3. did i ever say ive done a few euro trips
  4. if we dont finish 2nd or 3rd im not happy
  5. i was back for this game poor result
  6. thats me just watching that for the first time and i was at the game
  7. http://www.live-footballontv.com/
  8. sky have their game on the sunday 2nd december at 1315
  9. me and ml1 both got a section 60
  10. even the ball came home
  11. i fly home on the day of the game and airdrie is the only game that would interst me
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