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Everything posted by decorator

  1. good point there,you can't beat sitting in the pub with a coupon on with your mates[next saturday]
  2. cut the internet off from 3pm till 5pm on a saturday and the problem is solved
  3. if we finish 5th does the euro place go tae 6th?
  4. same fish everytime tae ps mr ham is good for some free tickets now and again
  5. did you take the bridgeworks song book up north ?
  6. we never missed him one bit when he went away tae make his fortune
  7. the young boy done more last night than sh has done all season imoi
  8. get their left back signed please
  9. motherwell is life for some folk
  10. only guy thats seen the lot
  11. is fraser wishart a legend because he was 10 times better than kaiser
  12. this old man he told me andy mullers got vd with a ripped up fanny pad hanging oot his mooth this old man he told the truth
  13. it was sung 3rd game of the season
  14. get a loan and come along
  15. scored one for us in the same game then we got pumped
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