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coop91 last won the day on October 12 2017

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About coop91

  • Birthday 12/03/1967

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  1. Stick on win for us. We've got a team who love to turn up when we're live on the box.
  2. I see there's a rumour on pie & bovril, started by st mirren fans, that we have signed their striker, Gavin Reilly(22 goals this season) on a pre contract. Anyone heard anything?
  3. So after everything no cap for kipre today then? Couldn't see his name in the starting 11 or the bench.
  4. Nothing. Was just thinking he may have tried to use this as a get out. Its all erelavent now. Justice has been done. COYW.
  5. Thomson to ref next match at fir park. (Rangers) just so we can be given the chance to show we bare no grudges. ;-)
  6. Well he certainly stopped it quick enough to show the red.
  7. Kipre will 100% have his red card binned tomorrow. As has aleady been mentioned, any off the ball kick out has to show either excessive force or brutality. Neither if which were in evidence. Thomson can't claim anything to do with initial tackle as any red card has to stop play instantly, which again, he never done. Therefore he either has to have made it up (cheated) or he went purely on browns reaction (cheated) so I don't think it's about the red now, and more what punishment Thomson receives, as recinding the red card shows definitive cheating on one or both parties.
  8. Really hate games against either side of the glasgow shite. Sickening crap you need to put up with before and after the game from there so called fans. Total bollocks that comes out of the press with regards to our players. The deliberate efforts to get inside the refs head by opposition managers. Though that one doesn't take much. And the refs themselves, desperate to prove themselves best pals with the bigot brothers there by not incuring the wrath of them or the press. Will be their as always but these games leave a lingering bad taste for a few days. Hope the seats and toilets in the south stand survive the harrowing experience.
  9. Without a doubt it's joe wark. A disciplinary record 2nd to none in an era when the game was played by proper hard ********. Don't think the rest of the players mentioned would have dealt that. Joe would stroll through the modern game.
  10. There is very little balanced opinion on here now. If it were it would still be worthwhile reading. It has now got to the point that when the team win the silence on here is deafening and very little praise. However, should the team drop points then the usual posters are up in arms followed by abuse for abuse sake. Like most fans I very rarely pop in for a read now, but when I do it just feels like the site is now full of attempts at trolling, sprinkled witb decent posters who still understand that we are not a club full of players who are not world beaters but are doing there fucking best to entertain the support. Though if they were to read most of the shite on here I don't thing they would bother.
  11. What a bunch of moaning faced cunts on here. It's no wonder so many supporters of the club just don't bother coming on now. You lot have this site to yourselves now. Happy moaning. FFS.
  12. Don't think there is really any doubt. Kipre by a country mile.
  13. Can't believe the likes of moult made the 25 while willie hunter(who has a stand named after him never) never made it. For all louis has been a great striker for the club, I wouldn't say he's a legend. Guess that's the youth vote. Everyone has there own opinion.
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