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Everything posted by wellfan09

  1. wellfan09


    i never said he wouldnt go. the orignal post just makes it sounds as if the humph isnt happy in scotland when he is
  2. wellfan09


    no, we signed him under freedom of contract and they didnt get a penny because it was to a different country even though he was under 23. (if he had moved to an english club they would have been due a development fee). i think your mates talking pish though because the humph said he was happy in scotland when he renewed his contract a few months ago
  3. i see no reason why we cant aim for 4th to be honest
  4. aye i thought jones should have been brought on for forbes at around 65-70 mins, just for an outball as we were really up against it
  5. no he wasnt, he was passing the ball about with lee hollis?
  6. anyone have an idea of how many tickets we've sold?
  7. i wonder how many of those fans were steelmen?
  8. 3-0 to the mighty well :thumbup:sutton, jeffers (if playing), and murphy
  9. wellfan09


    i think he means that if you sit here you should be prepared to stand, not a rule that you have to stand, but its unlikely that folk are gona sit down so you can sit and watch the game in the area that has been designated for creating some atmosphere.
  10. been on the st johnstone forum who seem to think we're planning a "flag display". They're going to get a wee shock when they see 3000 claret & amber bog rolls
  11. does anyone know what out initial allocation was, i know st j's was like 5800 but was ours the same or slightly more ( we have 1 more section than them)?
  12. franny and sutton up top with humphrey down one wing and murph down the other is one of ,if not the best, attacks in the spl imo (on their day anyway)
  13. wellfan09


    the south stand is so all the posh fannys can get their prawn sandwiches in their wee cosy boxes at HT
  14. so basically he has to sign tonight ?
  15. why the hell have they left a gap between the singing section and the rest of the fans
  16. http://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/2011/03/31/semi-final-ticket-information-2/
  17. i think he means because its obviously not going to be a sell out then whats the point in st holders getting priority
  18. hampden fullstop. its not something that we get to experience often and we would all be kickin ourselves if we were to get beat by st johnstone in edinburgh after giving up the chance to visit the national stadium for the second time this season
  19. and that seems the most logical option finlay
  20. dont think youl have much bother raisin that much either mate. if you collect cash at the games all you need is about 550 donations of a pound at each of the aberdeen and united game, and obviously you will have people donating more etc so i dont think youl find it too hard to cover the cost
  21. it looks good but my only question is, how would everyone know when to do it so it all happens at once?
  22. the club should really start selling the tickets asap ie tomorrow. Demand will be at its highest just now on the back of last nights result and so the club should take full advantage of this as poor performances on saturday etc could affect sales.
  23. what's the obsession with petrol blue? what's wrong with normal blue?
  24. looking forward to this one now, i think, if everyones fit and available(ie if craigan doent play for ni on tuesday he should be fine to play i would thnk), we should go on something along the lines of: ps. im not to sure about the injuries to hammell, lasley, jeffers etc if they are still out or not so i just included them anyway.not sure if we have any suspensions either? -------------------------------------------------------Randolph-------------------------------------------------------- ------------Hately----------------------Hutchinson-------Craigan-----------------------Gunning-------------- ---------------------------------------Lasley---------------------Jennings------------------------------------------- -----------------Humphrey------------------------------------------------------Hammell/Jones------------------- ---------------------------------------Jeffers---------------------Sutton------------------------------------------------
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