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Everything posted by hint

  1. hint


    Oh I would tell you if I would comprehend English pronunciation better. Plus I'm not even sure if it's that posseble for you guys to say it. Let's just say that if you would say "oh yea" (or even better "oh ya") very quickly and add "maa" to it, you would be a little closer to it.
  2. hint


    I made an account yesterday to say pretty much what eerik just did, but this section of the forums appeared to be bugged for me(showed error when logged on, worked when logged out again), so he beat me to it. I can also add to the context that Henrik is a rather well known name to average Estonian football fan, far more than one would expect from a player with so obscure career. Mostly it is because as teenager he archived a lot of media attention and was often labelled as the new big thing in Estonian football. But it didn't happen so quick so the hype slowed down and people were growing more sceptical. Now that he is doing well again, don't be suprised to see many Estonians jump back on the waggon and you see much increased traffic in these forums from there. And about the name (yes it means StreamLand)...I'm not really trying to nag with this, but I'll just let you guys 'know' that the way English speaking countries pronounce his name has to be the worst pronunciation of any Estonian word I've ever heard anywhere :P I literally couldn't understand his name was being said like first 5 times i heard it. I don't think there is a fix there tho and I'm quite sure Henrik himself has gotten used to it long ago in Derby.
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