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Everything posted by Snap19

  1. I would if I had Facebook, infact u have Facebook don't you fatcalf....
  2. Anyone been in touch with the wee dram yet??
  3. Prices are now on official site, go on sale from Monday 30euro for premium seats 10euro standard
  4. So is there going to be a central place on the Tuesday night for us all to meet, square/street/pub etc?? Think if we could get a right few of us all together for a wee drink would be good!
  5. Flight from Glasgow to Athens on Monday via heathrow, Hotel ionis then home the Thursday! 4 of us booked! Can't wait!!
  6. Go Monday-Thursday for £350 then
  7. Anyone know the likely ticket prices over there ?
  8. The stream on yet? Mines ain't
  9. It's usually on Eurosport but I haven't checked
  10. So we've to cancel sky because of a rumour? Na I'll pass on that thanks!
  11. £20 just been sent mate! Cheers
  12. Passengers, dead wood- Omar Daley? I think actually Daley is a prime example of 'experienced' player needing a 2 year deal to come here!
  13. Slightly off topic but Sky bet have us priced at 2000/1 to win the champions league! I thought that was quite short priced maybe they know something we don't! Maybe messi is scared for the 'arc??
  14. Anyone else fed up of this rangers carry on?? When can we just get back to football at 3pm on a Saturday please?
  15. If it means jennings signs a contract then I'd give it to him! Las ain't getting any younger and not gurenteend to play week in week out
  16. Reynolds has just bought a new house in Motherwell....
  17. Snap19

    Robert Jarvie

    The only Jaffa I know is from camby.. Is it the same guy??
  18. Shooting practice for Henricks left foot required
  19. Yassssss!!!!! Time to renew the passport!
  20. Just saw on sky bet that we are 2/1 to win tomorrow night, now i dont usually back my own team but surely worth a score??
  21. Talking about financially, does anyone know roughly what we stand to make from say one qualifying round of the champions league? And would we get a tv deal and things?
  22. Daley is a complete waste of space, how he gets away with claiming to be a football player I don't know, rumour has it a albion rovers scout was there cause they want him! In all seriousness, I like Jennings and hutchnisons performance today and higdon played well but the fight just simply wasn't there! Fight is not something you can instill in a player, they either have it or not! And by the looks of it we have very little players with this!
  23. I think we will be lucky to keep a hold of hutchy this summer, clubs that have sent scouts to look at murphy, jenno, humph etc must have seen something in Hutchison! Hopefully we could commad a decent fee if that happens though!
  24. Killie played well there on sunday, but they looked dodgy at the back on several occasions! If we can get OJ and humph running at them there could be a few goals in it! I personally didn't think they looked that good going forward so I'm sayin 3-1 to the well, OJ+ Higdon x2
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