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Everything posted by myteam

  1. it was in the sun so obviously not true haha, no proper quotes from sources
  2. myteam

    Well Done

    whoops, forgot about him, don,t know how. yeah you,re right, gannon, for all his faults, has a keen eye for decent players, & i should,ve included him
  3. clocked them 2 wifies coming in & said to my hubby "gers fans" pointing them out to him.
  4. myteam

    Well Done

    proud to say i,m a motherwell fan. thank you craig, archie & all involved with mfc not forgetting john boyle what a season what a team frustrates & pleases all the time, fingers x for a dundee win on sat & that,s the season complete. MON THE WELL
  5. tried to enter but it will not recognise my e-mail address or server, pity
  6. myteam

    Jute,s Goal

    cheers for that i really wanted him to win goal of the week, but is that another 100k on his price?
  7. if paypal is not an option what other way can we pay as that dvd is a mfc collectable?
  8. myteam

    Jute,s Goal

    if you have sky telly you press the red button & follow the instructions, there was a txt no. but i didn,y get it & write it down sorry
  9. myteam

    Jute,s Goal

    jute,s goal on ssn for vote goal of the week. please vote "in your hundreds" for his goal. his goal is E along with 5 others
  10. hope not. everyone knew the spl were keeping a very close eye on our pitch & i think leanne said in a news bulletin a wee while ago that mfc were sorting out the pitch with the contractors during the close season. if this were to be the 2nd announcement then a bit of a letdown i reckon
  11. hear, hear, MON THE WELL
  12. myteam

    Mark Reynolds

    if it has to be, bye mark & thanks for the memories. hope you get the move you want & deserve, & the best parting gift would be for you to score the winner that gives mfc europe again good luck to the others who have to leave for whatever reason as well
  13. myteam

    Jim O'Brien

    this morning,s sun. i,ll believe it when i see it on the official site, although imo he is leaving.
  14. i am a season ticket holder & all i can say is well done the club. i realise it undervalues my s.t. but if we can get more bums on the seats, for an important game, imo, so be it. after the backing the team got at tynecastle i hope that is also done to spur our team on. it would be fantastic to go to ibrox on the last game knowing we were in europe as del boy said you know it makes sense
  15. i would like a £15 ceiling at ALL s.p.l. clubs & maybe more fans would travel to away games. there is as much chance of that happening as me winning the lotto tonight
  16. i think the lack of replies is your answer, very few
  17. knew it wasn,t going to be our day when we had to park about 1/2 mile away from tannadice. the result was bad enough but i would have preferred to have seen the game while there instead of having to watch it on alba. not for 1min do i want to be a killjoy but i like everyone else paid to watch a game not people,s backs as they continually stand up. i know youngsters especially like to rebel ,but they really spoiled our away day, all those who stood up. i really hope the powers-that-be introduce safe standing areas very soon as i now wish for 2 reasons we hadn,t bothered travelling. i even had to txt my son about who got the red card as my view was totally blocked. so please consider others when you stand during games. we couldn,t change seats due to the great travelling support so well done those who made the journey.
  18. official site says game tomorrow is at bathgate. can someone confirm whether its hannah park shotts or creamery park bathgate as we are thinking of going along & shotts suits us better distance-wise. cheers. well done the lads on their contracts
  19. myteam

    Bounce Game

    lets all laugh at celtic nananananananana
  20. A***hole of the highest order!!!!!!!!
  21. at dens park, whenever i was "frisked" it was always a female steward who carried it out. i wasn,t paying attention last week & wasn,t stopped but i assume there are female stewards always available for the female supporters should the need arise.
  22. myteam

    Game Off

    aye right, under 19,s is off today. bloody heart attack time you numpty
  23. myteam

    John Ruddy

    as far as i know, i think ruddy has 1 more year left on his contract so if that is the case gers would have to raid their wee piggy bank
  24. hopefully, with alba showing the game later on tomorrow we will continue our run & not be beat in front of the tv cameras. hibs will be hurting & imo they have quality players to react to the defeats, but our lads will do us proud & finally get points from them. tight game but ,well 3-2 winners
  25. i appreciate we shot ourselves in the foot time & time again with our pitch but i am getting really pissed of with the continuing criticism we are getting. the work done in the summer was, i believe, overseen by spl/sfa? personnel so surely that means we did the work by the book, by the powers that be standards? traynor should shut up along with the rest of the media & hacks & give us peace & let the club get on with fixing the mess the parks in. rant over
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