With JB owing most of the club no one could or would try to speak agaonst him. But with the co-op scheme we can raise issues such as ten team spl vote. Range of ticket prices or offers . Safe staying like the germans being brougjt in.
Im pretty sure the barca example of this is you buy into the club every year. So each season you pay a fee of say £30 , you then are in the co-op of Barca for the year with your right to vote
I think celtic would have had a word in McCarts earabout turning up at motherell. Remember in the past they have sacked bigger celtic coaches than him. Remember Jock Stein , Billy McNeil [ twice] Tommy Burns and their king kenny.
I was proud as punch for all of us that helped at all levels with the display.
Hopefully, it had a reaction with the players.
As delboy stated it took over 4 hours to sit all those bloody cards out. But glad I did it and hope we get to a final next season to do it again.
Big deal the player got to train at murray park, not like the h#ns are using it, they needed the rent.
BUT in the interest of balance Stuart McCall did tell the players this morning to have a $hite !!!!