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Everything posted by Frazzie

  1. Sasa Curcic wanting it written into his contract that his signing on fee would be a virgin from every county in the land. Superb patter.
  2. True, good point. In a way I prefer obscure locations, but from a football point of view, if we're not going to make the group stages then you want to see your team playing against the Roma and PSVs of this world. However, I am certainly not complaining. Any Motherwell Euro tie is a blessing.
  3. None of the potential destinations fill me with excitement. However, none of them should intimidate us either. I reckon we can do the business next Thursday and have a right good chance of progressing to the play-off. Certainly not counting chickens, but I'm quietly optimistic.
  4. So you batter an old guy, get away with it completely, then take action against someone who mentions that you comitted the crime, and they get punished? The world is fucked.
  5. I don't think there's a witch-hunt. Talk about sensationalism right enough! Just an expression of disappointment, is all. I know Scott and he's a good guy, but good guys can sometimes disappoint and I'm afraid public criticism is part of the package when you take a job in the media.
  6. Surely then they could've been named and shamed in the article, which would have correctly put the disgrace of the incident onto the individuals, rather than 'Motherwell fans'? Also, if the journalist is told what story to write about, and how to write it, what are these people being paid to do? I just don't buy that, I'm afraid.
  7. Just to re-iterate, there's not a lot wrong with what's been written, although it could be more balanced. The disappointment stems from it being a 'Well fan who wrote it and, rather than spinning it from an angle that two yobs attempted to tarnish the otherwise excellent behaviour of our fans, and that the club acted swiftly and professionally in dealing with it, the focus is on "Motherwell fans attack pensioner" which is a shame. In no way, shape or form am I saying that the episode itself should be swept under the carpet. Without wanting to turn this into the last thread, I still believe these two idiots should be named and shamed, and I hope justice (of some form) is served.
  8. The story is unfair - not on the two bams - they deserve everything they get. It's on unfair as it was written as 'Two Motherwell fans batterred an old guy', Again, not an innaccurate description of what happened, but it does tarnish the reputation of the rest of us. Had the story either cited the great behaviour of the rest of the fans, or singled out the two individuals, then I would have no complaint. To be honest, I don't really have any complaint that it's in the Sun - it was a newsworthy incident as someone said - I'm just disappointed that it was a 'Well fan who chose to paint us in such a bad light.
  9. Absolutely no chance at the Joker - you should know that from the last fiasco! Daniels would have been a good bet had Colin not been on holiday (as usual) - the rest of the staff wouldn't have a clue how to get it up and running. One of my mates has his PC linked to a 36" screen in his living room so that's where I'll be watching it - no idea how good the quality will be, right enough.
  10. Aye, I know that really. I was just been flippant. And I'm certainly not sticking up for Keevins! My point really was that all journalists that sensationalise stories for their own gain should be treated with the same contempt, whether they're one of us or not. In fact, it could even be argued that one of our own doing this should be treated with more contempt.
  11. OK, so for the sake of discussion, say something unfair was printed about you in a column by Darryl Broadfoot in the Herald - Who would you hold a grudge against? It seems to me that, by your logic, nobody can ever be held personally accountable for anything damaging that's put in print.
  12. Frazzie


    I've been asked not to say what it looks like, which is why I never mentioned that I'd seen it. I didn't want to get tagged as doing the 'I know something you don't know' thing that we've seen a few times on here, but the debate was getting a bit fierce so I wanted to confirm that it does exist. However, I can confirm that the mail colour is not amber.
  13. Yeah, we always show this level of understanding and sympathy when we read something with Hugh Keevins' name on it, don't we?
  14. Frazzie


    I didn't want to post on this thread, but since 'Flow and PSL is taking a bit of an unfair battering, I will chip in. I have seen the away kit. With my own eyes. It exists. Okey dokey?
  15. Frazzie


    I had jujst assumed it was taken out of the window because it's horrendous!
  16. Is it written into the course when you're studying journalism at Uni that loyalty counts for feck all and that you have to sell your soul to the devil? 99% of the 'Well fans behaved in the correct manner, the club conducted themselves as well as they could have done, yet the nation will view us as a bunch of thugs. I know that a minority can often tarnish the reputation of the majority, but it's a bit of a kick in the teeth when it's one of our own who lets the world know. Disappointed in you, Scott.
  17. Frazzie


    Could he be used up front? Very similar player to Clarkson in my opinion, and if my memory serves me was originally a striker. With the lack of depth up there, it could be worth a shout? Always like to see guys like him doing well for us so would be sad to see him go, although I don't really disagree with what everyone else has said.
  18. Frazzie


    Cheers Jonesy!
  19. Frazzie


    Blame culture is fine by me, but the finger always gets pointed in the wrong direction. The club aren't to blame. PSL aren't to blame. Canterbury have let both parties down. Hasten to add, we can't really complain about losing out over a company going into administration given the amount of people we shafted by doing the same. The poetic justice (if you can really call it that) doesn't please me in the slightest - I'm just passing comment. Administration isn't fair on anyone. I don't know anything about business law, so my comments could be ill-informed, but it seems to me that companies who can't look after their own affairs are given a loophole to pass on their loses to people who don't deserve it.
  20. Do you mean Motherwell-minded? Or Motherwell class? Or just guys who like Buckie and chips?
  21. Frazzie


    I watched Jim Gannons interview from the day afer he took the job. 'Flow was wanderring about in the background with a tank-top effort that made him look like Norris from Corrie. It's a total joke that the club sanctioned the wearing of such an unfashionable item.
  22. This is where your scouts earn their crust. We could pull in reserve players from the Premiership and Championship and end up with guys like Stokes, Alan McCormack, Kasper Schmeichal, etc. However, you could also end up with guys like Stephen Cosgrove so that's the chance you take. Unfortunately, when you're Motherwell, it has to be done. Fingers crossed Gannon knows what he's doing. I have faith.
  23. So you went away on a trip with the lads, and came back with a badly damaged ring...?
  24. I appreciate the need for the club to be appropriate, but I have no such need. If I find out the names, I'll be shaming them.
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