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Everything posted by Frazzie

  1. He can fuck right off if that's what he's up to. Wait and see how he responds in a couple of years when McGhee is publicly going all misty-eyed over a return to Parkhead. Willie Miller is a total prick, and Aberdeen would have more money to spend on compensation if they hadn't invented a job for the old gimp.
  2. As I said elsewhere, I'd like to see Joe Jordan, with Chris McCart as his assistant. Of course, we'd struggle to probably even match Jordans current wages, but he could see it as his last chance of a managers job and he is from Cleland (I think) so he might see it as ideal to do a couple of years at Motherwell before he retires, with McCart being his successor. Doubt it will happen though.
  3. Aye, let's give a couple of legends a chance to relegate themselves from the status...
  4. Bad day for your launch in my opinion. It will be swept away in the jizz-fest of folk coming on posting pics of themselves in their new strip...
  5. Surprised he didnae miss the bowl...
  6. Frazzie

    So It Begins...

    Fuxake - I don't think you can call hearing nothing about USH in five days a fiasco! There is absolutely no need for us all to be told everytime the groundsman does a shite! We were told that it was ahead of schedule, so if something has happened to hold it up a few days, it's not a disaster. Chill out.
  7. As a fan, that's good news as I love midweek games, especially in winter, but for a club with the squad the size of ours, it could have a devastating effect on us. Craggs, for example, could potentially play a stupid amount of football if he is an ever-present for club and country and we have a wee run in the cups/Europe.
  8. Frazzie


    That is true - sachet of rose petals in the wallet at all times, just in case!
  9. Christ - Here's a wee sentence I never thought I'd type... I agree with TheLip69.
  10. Frazzie


    Burds, like kids, can get away with a football top if it's not h**s/tims. To say I'd love to pump a burd in a 'Well strip would be the understatement of the century...
  11. Frazzie


    Absolutely right again Al_B. It's a shame Bop isn't as trendy as us...
  12. Frazzie


    Aye. You shouldn't be wearing football socks with shorts at all unless you're playing fives/sevens.
  13. Frazzie


    Spot on, Al_B. I think I have the full strip from this season, but I've never worn it all at once. And you can only wear two out of three if it's not two parts that touch each other (ie, you can get away with wearing the top and socks if you have different shorts on, but you couldn't get away with the top and shorts with different socks or you die instantly).
  14. Frazzie


    Definite naw on that one. 14 is the last age you can do that.
  15. Frazzie

    Europa League

    Correct. The Euro games are 4 Thursdays on the spin. I cannot wait.
  16. That is a tremendous idea. I don't think I have anything that would be of any use - I'm just a youngster compared to some on here - but I thought I'd give a wee bit of feedback. I really like the Steelworks angle on the new strip launch, and I'd like to see some steelworks stuff subtlely displayed at Fir Park. Not only would it be acknowledging the history of the town and the nickname of the team, it would act as a sort of 'conditioner' for if/when we move stadium to Ravenscraig.
  17. Frazzie

    Europa League

    Agreed. I don't think FirParkCorner FC or Welltrust FC would look out of place in that list of nonsense...
  18. Frazzie


    I think that means he likes it....
  19. Frazzie


    He's made it boufin' because he's leaving!
  20. I think the added bonus with it being Partick for us would be the opportunity, as a side note, to say a deserved cheerio to Kaiser for his service to the club. I feel he didn't really get the chance to get a proper send-off from us so that would be ideal.
  21. Frazzie


    'Flow, Any chance of deleting some pm's??
  22. What did he do in the first place to be banned? It seems to have caused a bit of a stir...
  23. Frazzie


    We don't wear claret shorts at the moment...
  24. Frazzie


    The shorts and socks are a bit horrid (hopefully they'll grow on me) but the top is a cracker, and that's the main thing for fans like myself. Good. Like the Steelworks touch in the background aswell.
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