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Everything posted by Frazzie

  1. That's my normal Saturday afternoon anyway, but I fear this may be even worse! It has a license until 1am mate so last orders about half twelve I would imagine.
  2. Not a plug or anything like that, so don't worry! Just firing up a quick post to say that if anyone is out and about in Motherwell on Saturday night, or just at a loose end, pop up to the Centenary Suite. It is the Fir Park Corner Player of the Year night, but there is no admission fee, raffle tickets or any fund-raising at all for that matter - it is literally just a bit of a party. There will be a very short prize-giving followed by a bit of music then rolls n sausage, etc later on. The only reason I'm mentioning it is that if folk are thinking about heading to the Fir Park Club, New Century, Electic Bar or anywhere else, the atmosphere will be just as good in the Centenary and every penny spent at the bar goes into our already cash-strapped club (not to mention you get free rolls!). So, if anyone fancies it just turn up and if you're not enjoying it, you are free to leave and nobody will pester you for anything! Hopefully see some of you there.
  3. Fuck that. The place was a shitehole. That was our only Euro tie I wasn't embarrassed to be welcoming visiting fans to Motherwell.
  4. We didn't need a point yesterday.
  5. We can judge him on his own merits. It's the only way he'll get a fair crack.
  6. We can't set Randolph as the bar against which to judge his replacement because there's probably not a goalie anywhere in the world as good as him that we could get.
  7. Frazzie

    New Away Kit

    I was leading bidder on a match worn John Philliben one on EBay last year and the seller changed his mind the day before it was due to end!
  8. Frazzie

    New Away Kit

    Heavy negative.
  9. No more worthless than any other form of advertising- trackside boards, program, scoreboard, posters, etc
  10. Actually, the last time we finished bottom of the league we still lost all our better players. Mediocrity is where it's at.
  11. Was there a justification given for the agreement?
  12. I only like V-necks. It's a disgrace the bois have discriminated against me.
  13. Curcic was an enigma. Guys like him help make football great. And aye, it was Said Chiba Malcolm stamped on before scoring the winner later.
  14. That doesn't make much difference- just means we've paid for Levante and Panathinaikos' flights and digs instead of our own.
  15. Don't think it was '91 if you were wearing that top mate.
  16. That's good, I think. As an aside, did we not have a goalie top that was like Astra Trek jumper during the Graeme Smith era?
  17. To clarify, what I should have said was that my own arms are like those of a small girl. Happy now?
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