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Everything posted by Frazzie

  1. I know that, but any team would have beaten us that night. We just don't turn up in Cup games.
  2. We do have three Europa League slots, but I thought it was only the Champions in the Champions League this season? Either way, we'll not get it. Also, why do we want to be seeded in the League Cup? We keep getting papped out by diddy teams anyway!
  3. Even if Accies do win at Ibrox, surely it would make sense for us and Falkirk to ask to play our game that day, instead of next Wednesday? They're out the cup aswell.
  4. Frazzie


    How can you criticise two players who, by your own admission, are on the park to stop the opposition from scoring when we went down to Killie and kept a clean sheet away from home in the SPL? I'm not saying they were magnificent, but they done their job and can be happy with their days work.
  5. Well, we probably aren't going to get relegated and we definitely aren't going to get into Europe, so last nights defeat has almost rendered the rest of our season meaningless. Genuinely tempted to watch the game on saturday in the house. I'm always on a big downer when we go out of the Cup, regardless of how sadly predictable it has become.
  6. You could be right. By the end of next season, we'll know for sure. Hope not though.
  7. Naw, ditch the League Cup and bring back the Texaco Cup instead!
  8. Frazzie

    Next Meeting

    It's on it's way mate. Drafting a different letter to folk who became members for the first time at the Panel Night, just to give them a wee idea of what we're all about.
  9. Fixed yer post there - saves me biting... Anyway, that's an interesting thing - what do we reckon the percentage of season ticket holders is in the away support? If the vast majority of the away support are ST holders, would it make a difference?
  10. I suspected that would be the case, but that's the sort of donkey work that Trusts can do on behalf of the clubs by co-operating with each other. I'm not directly bothered about the Season Ticket Plus thing specifically - it's more the thought that every idea and suggestion is going to by fired onto the Motherwell forum now that Leann is kicking about on here. Again - entirely understandable that that's what people would do - but if that renders the Trust board pointless, I'd respectfully ask Gaag to delete it as an inactive Trust forum suggests an inactive Trust, which would not be an accurate reflection.
  11. Because we decided to wrap the Trust forum last time because nobody used it. This seems like a bread and butter thing that would suit that forum, yet it's on the Motherwell forum. Does that mean we wrap the Trust forum again? I'm genuinely not having a go - it just seems that, with Leann now coming on here, it leaves a Trust forum pointless as people are wanting to (understandably) fire their ideas/concerns direct to her.
  12. Can I politely ask why you didn't post it as a suggestion on the Trust forum?
  13. Funny, when I watched Billy Davies' Nottingham Forrest demolish West Brom the other week, I realised that there could be four ex-'Well players managing in the Premiership. I haven't sat down and thought about it, but given the number of overseas managers down there now, there can't be many teams who could make such a boast.
  14. Gaag, what you've just described there was a conscious part of our thinking when we were trying to put together a new board for the Trust. We already have the President of the Supporters Association on the board, but we wanted to have at least one season ticket holder from each stand, which we now have, plus we wanted representation from both fans football teams on the board, which we now have. One thing we haven't been able to get on the board yet is any members of the VP/Millenium club, but we have taken steps to communicate with that section of the fanbase and we have at least half a dozen new members from there now. So, as much as our 160 members would never claim to represent the views of every Motherwell fan, we can certainly boast an excellent cross-section of the Motherwell support.
  15. As much as it pains me to say it, I kind of agree with that, although as much as it could be argued that there's no need for three fans groups - it could probably be argued just as well that there's no need for two!
  16. There is absolutely no way we could achieve that title, unless we start: a) Winning things and/or b) Attaching ourselves to a religion and encourage our fans to hate everyone else.
  17. From those pictures.... Gemme's aff.
  18. The Trust have been talking about arranging more 'Meet the manager' style events with different people from the club, the press and even the Trust itself every now and then, so I'd support any sort of initiative from the club to communicate better with the fans, and it's refreshing to see that it has been realised that listenning is just as important as talking. What I would say, though, is that if a panel of fans was going to be put together to brainstorm ideas for the club, it would leave a big part of the Trust redundant. Having said that, if the fans were being listenned to consistently and improvements were being made where needed, then I'd be quite happy for the Trust to be redundant. I think what both the MST and the Supporters Association need to realise is that Motherwell FC is the reason we do what we do, and is far, far more important than our two groups put together. Being too protective of agendas is what has stopped the two organisations co-operating in the past and that has to stop pronto for this to have any chance of working. Great idea in theory though.
  19. 38-0 now. This has eclipsed Arbroath!
  20. 22-0 - I hope John Boyle reads this...
  21. Frazzie

    Next Meeting

    Exactly as it says on the tin. If anyone fancies getting involved, feel free to come along.
  22. Frazzie

    Jim Jefferies

    Big bit in the paper about it today. The chairman called Kevin Kyle in for talks about a new contract, and turned the conversation round to asking Kyle what he thought about JJ and his tactics. Kyle, quite rightly and to his credit, told Jeffries straight away and has been quoted in the paper as saying he doesn't want to speak to the chairman anymore and that he's loyal to the manager. On the same subject, if this means that Kyle gets punted, I'd take him at Fir Park in the Duke is away.
  23. Frazzie

    Jim Jefferies

    The fact that he's a fat, useless c**t who turns every team he manages into a shower of dirty, cheating cloggers is what fecks it up! I would be absolutely distraught if him and that tit Billy Brown were ever in the home dugout at Fir Park.
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