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Everything posted by Frazzie

  1. I can see nothing but a papping coming our way on saturday, with Celtic having the qualities required to exploit our ever-increasing frailties. I also think there's a good chance we'll get someone sent off and/or concede a penalty. 6-1 Celtic.
  2. I'm sure they'd let you make one payment now and another one in a fortnight, just as long as it was before the Boxing Day game. Makes sense to me really.
  3. I hope you'll be parting with a fiver at the door...?
  4. The night is split into two parts (with free pies at the interval!), with the first part being questions submitted from folk who can't make it on the night, or are perhaps too shy to stand up and ask them. The second half will see the floor opened to anyone who wants to ask anything at all! However, the second half may be a bit of a free-for-all, so if you want to make sure your question is asked, submit it beforehand and you'll still be able to ask it yourself if you're there.
  5. 7.30pm next Thursday. Be there, or be square.
  6. PM me your proper names and I'll chase it up.
  7. The papers are going with the angle that Gannon is letting us (the fans) down by not talking to them, which is an understandable stance given that we're the guys who spent £50+ going to Edinburgh on saturday to see an unnacceptable performance from our team. We do deserve answers to why certain decisions were made, where he thinks it went wrong, and what he'll do to fix it. However, keep in mind that he has agreed to come and speak to the Motherwell fans face-to-face a week on Thursday at the Trust's Fans Forum event where he will attempt to answer any questions we have without the 'papers getting a sniff. A win/win situation I'd say, and well worth the £3 given his recent lack of comment. And that's without mentioning Craig Brown, Mark Hately and Chris McCart!
  8. Neil, you have spoken some startling sense on this forum of late, with this the latest example. Do keep up the good work.
  9. C.C. Blooms was also closed so there was no repeat of the wonderful moment pictured above!
  10. I'm well up for that! Might not leave for the game though!
  11. Frazzie

    Well Flags

    You'll probably find that a lot of the flags are ancient from old supporters groups and the likes that have disbanded and the owners of a lot of the flags won't go to the games these days, particularly away from home. Could be wrong though. Also, it's a pain in the arse taking a big flag about with you. We had a big FPC one made up which I think only made it to one 'Well game (CIS semi at Easter Road) but I can't be bothered with it now. Still take it to FPC weekenders and the likes so folk know that the Motherwell boys are in town...
  12. Haha! She wishes! Speaking of which, someone posted a photo of us in CC Blooms on here at one point - can we get that again please? Want to relive the wonderful moment..
  13. I think we'll be in real trouble regardless...
  14. By that logic, can we make the next banner one of Mark McGhee waving a candy cane...?
  15. Aye, we ran into the building to get it - up to the top floor where there was this bint in an art studio drinking herbal tea. We asked her if we could get onto her balcony to get our beachball back and she said naw, and the proceeded to try to sell us tickets to her exhibition at the Fringe! Bint! She must have thought she had strong herbs in her tea after being greeted with the sight of two drunk Dossers in beachwear and sombreros trying to eat her wax fruit!
  16. C.C. Blooms with Bob_Wilson_Anchorman. Howdy sailor!
  17. Aye, you're probably right!
  18. I disagree. I think he's pish, I don't think he plays his position, and I hope he leaves. We don't have to reach an agreement to end a thread, y'know.
  19. Mah da's bigger than your da'.
  20. See, I know where you're coming from there, Haggis. I like the word "Reporter". It implies that your job is to report the events that happen to be newsworthy. That's the way 'papers used to be. Now the opening couple of paragraphs detail what's actually happened, there's a sensationalist headline in bold above it to get folk to buy the rag, and then the rest of the article gives an opinion on said event. It's a lot of pish. I am no more interested in the opinion of someone with a journalism degree than I am in the opinion of a random down the pub.
  21. I normally think you talk a good deal of sense, but that's an arrogant opinion to hold if you ask me. Unless you're not letting on about something, you don't know any better than any of the rest of us what Yass is being told to do. And I strongly doubt that any manager would adopt a tactic to concus the opponents left back by continually skelping the ball off him instead of putting it into the box.
  22. Frazzie

    Ict V 'well

    Mitch is your best bet mate - he's everybody's pal...
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