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Everything posted by nethertonwellfan

  1. I agree with everything you said until you came to the paedophile part. Yes noise him up annoy him , boo him call him a shite tony mowbray (that is funny). The reason I am mad is that my club has been dragged through the mud by neds yet again. IMO opinion calling someone a paedo is singing about paedophilia. The fans could have aggrevated him in loads of other ways that wouldn't have brought shame on the club I love. That is why I'm mad gazza.
  2. Snobby If you knew me you would know I am anyhting but I see people's point of view but calling someone a paedophile is downright offensive! That is fact! And yes in this case I think (in fact know) I am right and that doesn't make me an angel or a snob it just makes me civilised. A snob though ? Really ?
  3. The fans that used the word paedo are scum IMO.
  4. That is why I was asking you. In case my interpretation was wrong. I thought you were having a go at everyone who wasn't at the game having an opinion that differs from your own.
  5. Well I was just waiting on confirmation just in case I read it wrong. I have had a season ticket at Motherwell for about 17 years. I go to most away games, however this one I was working. I have no days left as I used them all for the European run and won't get any until April. I didn't go to Aberdeen and I'm sure others had valid reasons for not attending. So because they didn't attend one game it bans them from ever taking a differing opinion from someone else? Fair enough my boss never gave me an extra day off than everyone else in my work! Sorry disregard my opinion I will shut the fuck up.
  6. I have never sung sheep shagger, bastard I'l give you it's not anywhere near paedophile which is one of the lowest group of people you can ever get is it not ? Or am i wrong do people think paedophiles are accpetable in society ? Bastards are accepted the world over now. I am a bastard and I have a job and my life is pretty good and I am quite sure nobody wants to castrate me. Oh and when I was 13,14 and 15 I heard the chants about Richard Gough and was disgusted then so this thing about age is bullshit. And I am no angel. I have done things that were wrong in the past. It shows the society we live in when someone who shows their disgust in such chants gets questioned more than the cretins doing the disgusting chanting.
  7. Is there a problem with me being on my high horse? I thought we as a support were better than the OF scum but maybe I was wrong. That comment is for everyone who has quoted my last comment.
  8. Didn't the chants break libel laws? And there are a few on here with stupid signatures who I hope action is taken against. Nice to see the MODS doing there jobs and banning these people.........
  9. And I am saying this is disgusting and not right. I have necer used that word against my worst enemy and never would unless it was true.
  10. Me as well but I am biased so wasn't gonna mention that
  11. I saw the highlights but the whole SPL card gets about a 2 minute round up. By the way ours was a stonewall penalty.
  12. I knew people where going to say that. I wasn't doing that at all! What I was doing was using an extreme analogy to highlight the logic that certain people are using here on this forum. Just because someone is doing alot worse doesn't mean that it isn't wrong or some people will not perceive it be wrong. That is what I was trying to get at and I am sorry if you didn't understand that. I am sorry that I care about the PR of Motherwell FC and care how people outside perceive our club. I have been to Nancy, Llanelli and Bucharest and with one obvious exception I have been extremely proud of the conduct of our fans. The Nancy fans applauding us at the end of the game at the Stade Marcel and taking their hats off made me extremely proud to the point that I had a tear in my eye and the same went for Bucharest also. Moreover, after Llanelli I shared a drink in the Met Bar with a couple of Llanelli fans and was told "you are a credit to your team and country", that made me proud also. I am sorry but yesterday made me feel the complete opposite. IMO opinion a paedophile is one of the worst things that you can call someone if it has not been proven legally. I would be extremely offended if someone called me that and if I am being over sensitive I couldn't give a shit I am guilty as charged. There are chants that are totally inappropriate for the football stands. Paedophile is one and I have never taken part in the chanting of this word and suggestions of double standards I also feel insulting. Other ones are obviously the bile that the OF scum regurgitate every other week. So for the people that condone these chants and if there are any on these forums who have taken part in these chants can you please not drag the name of my team through the mud. This is a family club and shouldn't have to listen to such offensive chants and the day it ceases to be a proud family club will be the day I give up going to Motherwell games.
  13. Because you have heard alot worse at football doesn't mean people should find it ok. Somebody got murdered in Glasgow last night but fuck Saddam and Hitler done alot worse so who cares.
  14. There is a big difference between prick and paedophile. People like you need to grow up and stop bringing shame on our club. Because defending vile insults like this you are bringing shame on this club.
  15. The press! The SFA and me. It's utter disgusting and how you can defend them is also disgusting.
  16. Point taken. However, I don't think I was the only one who chose null vote and weren't at the game
  17. Just copying Radio Scotland
  18. Scotland vs Macedonia next week I heard that as well but the radio is talking pish
  19. Cheers how lazy was I? Sorry Mine is a null vote then.. And null vote is storming into an early lead
  20. I don't think it is fair for me to vote. I wasn't at the game and never saw any pictures! What game is on BBc alba? I would watch that and make a choice if it was on otherwise it will be a null vote from me.
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