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Everything posted by nethertonwellfan

  1. Alright buddy I was supposed to bring 12 programmes back but by the time we got to the ground they were all away. I was luck enough to get 1 and that was finding it on the way to the shop. If I had a spare 1 you could have had it for free as thats how much they were on the night absolutely feck all. I think you will be hard pressed to get one but you never know. Good luck anyway.
  2. Firstly, Craigan should be in our team as he is the best defender in our team. However, he was never the best outfield player against Bucharest, in fact I thought he had a shocker.
  3. I agree with you, It just seems as though some people will sit all night thinking of something to criticise the club for and this coming form me who had to go back home and get my passport number to get tickets. So if anyone should moan it should be me. Well done the club.........but seen as they all got there tickets for free can I get my 2 quid back. On another note I never had to show my ticket once until I got to the turnstyle. The Robocops that escorted us into a Robocop van and escoorted us to the stadium (scary stuff by the way) must have forgot to check ours
  4. The Romanian girls were fantastic. Honestly I can't remember seeing many munters. In fact i think Romania are a litttle greedy. They should share some of they women about they have more than there fair share to be sure .
  5. The Novotel casino - the best place in the world. Drink all night , free food and you didn't need to gamble. How can they get away with that. I spent 70 Lei which is about 14 quid and got melted until 7 in the morning.
  6. Just woke yup after getting back home at about half 1. Had a great time apart from the football though Anyway, on to the match , I thought JG got his tactics wrong and thought Murphy should have played. Havong said that I still have 100% faith in JG and I'm sure he will learn from that. Stephen Craigan - For me he never looked like our most experience player and thought he was extremely poor. I didn't think he had to touch the ball for his OG, that was just my opinion though and haven't saw any replays. Jennings - I thought he was also poor, however I am not writing him off yet as I think he beeds to work on his fitness and he could be good in the future. Ruddy - I am sure it has all been said before but he was fantastic. Apart from his kicking that is But to be fair the pitch was absolute shocking for a team of that quality and stature and the ball was bobbling all over the place. Back to Ruddy he was my MOTM by far. A note On Steaua - they were absolutey fantastic and even I applauded their second goal. They taught us a lesson in football, which I think the younger players will learn from. Also, this might be controversial , a few Motherwell fans at the game were moaning at the Referee. IMO he did make a couple of mistakes, but only minor mistakes which you are always going to get. However on a whole I thought he had a great game and got all the big decisions right. I thought the penalty was a stonewaller but again I could be wrong as I don't have the benefit of replays.
  7. Sorry about my last post I'm getting ready to leave for Bucharest and I'm hyper. Here is ma real prediction. 1. 4th 2. Semi 3. Semi 4. The next round
  8. Jack Daniels ids definately showing it. Was down there earlier and Colin is expecting it to be mobbed.
  9. They wil play in front of 50 and 60,000 so 25000 will not be a problem.
  10. From that list I have to go for Joe Wark . Now he is a legend.
  11. Tell me about it. I need to take another trip back down there with my passprt number. All the way from Netherton as well
  12. Aye but dafty here forgot to take his passport down and never got his ticket. I blame the website for not stating that . Even though I should have known from Nancy. Still Motherwell, for us daftys out there spoon feed us every piece of inforrmation. You tell us no to take photo's of a police car in romania but don't tell us to take our passports to get our tickets
  13. The gypsy joke was a bit of a shit comeback was it no ?
  14. I do think he's pish am no arguing with that, what I am arguing with is alot of people's tendancy to blame a player that they dislike for everything that goes wrong and the Flamurtari winner in the away leg is a prime example.
  15. Your spot on. I'm no Fraser's biggest fan but the people blaming him for Flamurtari's goal in the away leg haven't a clue about football. It made me laugh though
  16. Your right there, I haven't mad an accurate prediction this whole Europa League run. However it doesn't stop me trying
  17. And in Celtic reserves/Cardiff City in 5
  18. We play better in the 2nd leg (except Nancy)
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