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Everything posted by nethertonwellfan

  1. You answer it then! How does booing have a positive effect on the team?
  2. Did I ever say you do not or will not ? Answer the question, how does booing help the team?
  3. Well seen you sit in the Cooper ! You actually talk sense !
  4. That response surprised me! Why I don't know. How is booing the team supporting them ?
  5. It wont help. It decreases confidence. You and they are the sort of fans who booed McLean during the bad times - and there were bad times - without seeing the bigger picture and now proclaim him a hero. Booing doesn't help! Simples! Keep the fait!! Mon the well!!
  6. You are supposed to be a supporter as well. How about a bit of support instead of shitey booing.
  7. And you are a fud? What is your point?
  8. So booing will help the team how? Chris that is to you too? Is booing not melodramatic?
  9. Sorry go home with your tails between your legs don't applaud singing there is only one Jim Gannon that would be bullshit but don't boo either you are a 'supporter'!! How is booing supporting the team? Is it fuck. Look at the bigger picture. We are going through a shocking spell just now and Gannon is making mistakes but booing the team/manager is a fucking disgrace and people need to have a good look at themselves. CALL YOURSELVES SUPPORTERS? Let's get behind the team and give the gaffer time!!! Please
  10. I'l bet you a score this game will be on !!!
  11. I'm working till 2 sorry!! But you can have my dug if that helps.
  12. FUCK OFF shut on Christmas day that is a disgrace you are "fucking idiots". What am I gonna get my son at the last minute now ?
  13. The game WILL be ON guran-damn-teed.
  14. I guarantee you this guy will never pull the sacred claret and amber jersey on. Too much competition .
  15. Fuck Students!!! Scurge of the earth they are
  16. Total plagiarism but same tae yersel Well Well!
  17. You had the right guy anyway thats all that matters. I'm wasted anyway so just ignore me It is crimbo eve afterall
  18. He also said that Motherwell fans wouldn't know a fitba if it hit them in the face. That is what made me hate him it was nothing to do with what he did in a well strip. Can people please explain why Darren Lee Smith and Brian Kerr are in the worst Motherwell teams? Never that bad in a million years. Darren Smith and no McGarry
  19. According to the ultimate website its 56 http://www.motherwellnet.co.uk/pa/c/clarkson.html One of the sites is lying
  20. I was watching a few of my old DVDs the other night and it seems if Townsley scored every other week. I always remember his goal against Celtic when we beat them 3-2. However, that was Barnes' team so that says it all
  21. John Davies played far too many games. He only got a game because his brother - Billy Davies - was manager. It all came to a head for me one game against Queens Park at Hampden in the cup. It was the only time I have ever booed a player wearing a Motherwell strip. I was gutted with myself and have never done it since and now frown upon it. He was rotten though and I think it was the fact he was getting a game because of who he was I was booing.
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