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Everything posted by smiddy

  1. grizzly do you know the where abouts the fir park hiding seek champion josh morris is ?? we could play him vs hertz,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if we can find him, over to you grizzly
  2. mmmmm rab donnolly captain or back as far as barrells n davie kirkland ?
  3. player ??? back as faras geordie dixon or rab sneddon ??
  4. wis it the fissil or the albert ???? or maybe you are traveller n it wiz the gow ??? just curious am trying to work out who you are
  5. oh n he doesnt scrstch his head n say disapointed / disapointing
  6. if he keeps on getting more game time and improving as we would expect, theres a fair chance we will lose him in the summer teams are sniffing !!!
  7. try dip in the last 14 weeks and your a wee bit nearer the mark
  8. nope ......................................... but u can add a bit of glitter ( not gary) lighten up ffs yodo WE WON
  9. nope but he wasnt his usual turdige shite, was also a bit more mobile but a thought deano had a good game, doing all the dirty doggys chasing the player wi the ball and generall being everywhere,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, your reply mr / mrs yodo
  10. i waiting on spittal doing what happend at the end of scobby doo and pealing of his spittal face mask to reveal feckin scott brown or somebody
  11. why did they 2 only start playing tonight ???????? mday help me pull stevie out from under that bus
  12. johnstone is our next big salable asset for turnbull see johnstone the boy is class
  13. fair fucks to cornrlius the boy covered every blade of grass and mustv done a thousand doddys
  14. yip but we dont know how good oxburgh is ?????????????
  15. your right about the keeper situation but SH shouldv tried the other keeper b4 now, as i said previously nobody knows if heez a randolph or a chapman another one down to stevie
  16. EK based but of saudi origin, gone yircell big SHAKEMASHAMMY :):):)
  17. sorry it was " FUCKEDIFANO" spelt his name wrong my italian isnae good
  18. see somebody on P&B when asked who our next manager would be he said " fuckifano" now if my memory is correct was he hot the big italian striker ??? just askin like
  19. i tell thee all BIG MIXU n YOUNGY are on the way get to the bookies
  20. sorry mio i wasnt very good at england at skool
  21. someone on P&B claiming we were in talks with ian mc call last week ffs please let that be a typing error and it was feckin DAVINNA we were in talks with
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