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Everything posted by smiddy

  1. any live commentry for a guy thats working today
  2. now now spider anymore of that and he will have you in the sligo loony bin with me
  3. smiddy


    maybe you are right thats what this team drives us to
  4. smiddy


    now that could be a starter
  5. or we could just wrap duck tape around mcginley and carroll and MAYBE make half a left back
  6. smiddy


    now now yodo a take it you got out of your sligo loony bin hotel in time for todays game ( if you were even there )
  7. smiddy


    brilliant m8 you done me there
  8. smiddy


    in the 70s when you were on the sites if you moaned about anything thats exactly what you were telt and by the golden handshake youv got it rewarded for not being up to standard worth wondering if he got the " warning , written warning, last warning, etc etc " for being shite ? now dont jump inn as i am now having a bit of banter
  9. smiddy


    how do you know a dont
  10. smiddy


    correct thers not many jobs in the world that " when your shite at it you get the golden handshake to just fuck off " what happened to the good old days when if you were shite at your job all you got was the " just fuck off bit " crazy world we live in aw well whos next for the inevitable " golden handshake "
  11. smiddy


    toxic probably anger feckin deffo i for one spent the thick end of £750 to watch 90 mins of shite from that bunch of feckin spineless cants anyway rant over at least the guiness / cider was great
  12. big stall am sure yodo was in ma hotel in sligo which just so happens that it used to be a loony bin
  13. carroll was fuckin shite every ball up the line was played to a whiite sligo shirt then pointed to others as if it was there fault iv got a ticket for next week and paid a few quid to go and took 2 days of work , and i for one will be outside FUCKIN SCREAMIN to get rid of alexander if we get beat i am begining to think he thinks us as supporters are stupid is aftermatch press conferance as per we were good etc and all that shite fuck off graham we got what we deserved and if we dont score quick on thursday we are bang in bother and you will not be able to talk yourself with shite out of that if come next friday we are out then no harm to you graham but get your self to fuck
  14. smiddy


    not me david av been night shift
  15. the doughnut centres are even better and thats a fact munched my way through a few when i was in texas austin doughnuts yum yum in yir tum / bum
  16. smiddy


    the board meeting is in tim hortons or the villa connection or mc Doo Doos
  17. smiddy


    ffs naw that would mean bringing back craig broons flunky YOUNGY
  18. smiddy


    see grizzly a new a was good at england in skool
  19. smiddy


    yes he deffo was yorky he did like bobby howitt or how ever u spell his name av forgot
  20. has mrs polworth said dunfermline is a shite hole yet ??? i think the common denominator is her shite hole husband
  21. my son just told me some one on "twitter " said some players said today that its not a coincidence tony watt left and others are leaving all down to the manager just saying what he just read me out
  22. working till 2 but even if i wasnt i couldnt muster corouge for that possibly at the start of a new season am tempted but watchin that naw no for me thanks
  23. by fuck your positive its takes all my time to think about going to the home games
  24. ffs yodo we agree on something his football style is fuckin dreadfull as they say you cant polish a shite but ffs dont buy shite
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