as long as they keep us up to start with ,, there must be a decent forward thinking young manager in he lower divisions , or even an old one like GORDO DALZIEL hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha
please please no foreign coaches ,,,,, someone who knows the scottish games ins and outs remember hertz forward thinking german coach daniel { fuckin } stendall beware
shite talker, give yourself a shake man, your one of the most depressing well fans on here, do you want the managers job ????????
am off back to ma cell your a cock end mon i well
i dont post very often now because of some of the pishtalk on here but jesus christ that YODO talks some shite thank you i just had to say that,,,, goodbye again
hi ya yodo ma big pal nice to read your posts again I was missing you ,hope we can spar this year again and probably get up some peoples noses lets get going
its not his dad, the boy couldv went to England, but he is a mummys boy so he is still on the diddy and picked them so he could still live at home or in the area
good luck with living in carfin with a new car,,, and signing for rangurs