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Everything posted by smiddy

  1. maybe yodo is on the selection commitee
  2. but as i said before alexander is stuck at the bridgrworks gates till its anounced at 12 hahhah
  3. then we could be playing with one unhappy player, not fully commited to tackles in case of injury that would scupper a move in the summer
  4. and its nick name was ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the san giro and there captain was the one n only mr Hilton Brady now we could be doing with him playing with us very nice guy BUT ffs he would kick his granny AND grampa hahhh anyway back on topic i also heard it was alexander with lasley as assisant, for now to see how it goes
  5. no theres still one longish shed at the top of mearns rd think its MB aerospace
  6. or alexander is stuck,,,,,,,,,,,,, at them feckin bridge works gates
  7. thats the one , thanks for that youv saved me a walk down hahahahaha
  8. i always thought it was forgewood n bellshill but i stand corrected i shall venture down a walk when the weather is better
  9. mmmmm is it not, its forgewood and bellshill cause forgewood n the globe are side by side
  10. yes, but we never really knew how bad chapman was until somebody hit the ball RIGHT AT HIM , he was an english international at feckin dodgy ball
  11. a think kelly would be a steady 6,7 / 10 but am not convinced hes the dominating keper we need as in a gillespie, randolph,ruddy, but better than wee dan, gunner or feckin stevie feckin woods
  12. to be fair its not a bad shout ( for once ) by yir man yodo
  13. if they agree to that, i would personally ride burrows and yodo
  14. a tell you what, even at my age i would have saved the first two and not looked like a 6'8"bambi on ice in the 18 yarder
  15. a might need to go and look ma gloves out texan !! what u think ????
  16. not if he takes campbell as well , as was said somewhere else that o'neil was a fan of wee al
  17. does any body know the actual where abouts of jordan archer ?? cause ffs give him a call and tell him to bring his boots on saturday
  18. dont know if this has been asked but where did jordan archer go ? he looked good and composed the game i seen him in (aberdeen i think } so ask the question u want another 6 month gig,tell the butcher heez not good enough at this level sorry ,pay him up ,then we march on to the next dud to get rid off if we have a decent spine in the team we would be getting there,nobody can say that over the next few months we could get as good as yaccies,st midden RC or st j theres still a few games to play IF we get the finger out our arses just a wee rant !!!!!!
  19. ross is just feckin about trying to look good so he can get a gig at rangurs only my opinion, based on , heez a rangurs man !!!!
  20. its been suggested elsewhere on here that polworth is doing a vigurs and wants back up the road ????
  21. the big wispy goalie sounds good to me
  22. milo can you forward that on to mr burrows any any other intrested parties that might be intrested in the shite we are paying wages to
  23. take his phone off him so he can only use the landline simmmplies
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