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Everything posted by Fairhill

  1. I think the manager has done well with a squad most on this site suggested was useless. If he can motivate them to do this the "fire the Manager" crew will not be happy!!!!
  2. Hang in there, win or not, surely we like what's happening!!!
  3. There is no escaping the complete failure of the board, the society, and the CEO, who've overseen the disintegration of a once decent football team. We need an independent investigation into the entire organization and a plan to start again from scratch. This nonsense has to stop. When the dominant sound on the radio is booing that means fewer supporters at the next game, and so the decline continues.
  4. I can't imagine any serious manager wanting this crew.
  5. What an opportunity for a terrific second half!!!
  6. But who's out there as a manager, and that still leaves a bunch of players who've just stopped playing.
  7. Twice by the bottom team. What more needs to be said?
  8. 1 win in 6 games...as we get ready to sink into the bottom six. But who can stop the slide?
  9. A point in the end, but seriously, how can the rest of the league compete with the money generated by home crowds at the OF and how they can always buy better players than the rest of us, especially the transfer fees Celtic have had in the past few seasons?
  10. and then you get ridiculous added time. Every advantage is given to the Old Firm.
  11. The officials are apparently playing in blue in this game.
  12. I just tuned in and had a good laugh. Reminded me of a radio game in the late 50s when we had them at 3-0 but sweated buckets as they came back at 3-2. So one more goal please.!!
  13. O dear, here we are at the end of November and the same old stuff is being offered on the pitch and on the site. You'll never convince me that our model of ownership and buying to sell on will ever produce a really competitive team for a consistent top six place.. I don't even watch SK in Youtube since it's the same story every week.
  14. Thankfully the season is over and we ended up where we belong, mid-lower-level. With a new CEO and potentially an investor or two we might get one or two better players, otherwise next season will be no better. Perhaps a manager who understands outscoring the opposition on the park is more successful than all the talk pre and after each game. Enjoy your summer guys.
  15. A great win. I just wonder how basically the same players have started to show positive signs of winning.
  16. You always know they'll get a penalty.
  17. I keep watching goal difference, and ours should be better, it is at mid-league level. Suely the forward line is more where the problem lies. I'm not defending the back, but a few more goals for would have made a bigger difference.
  18. O for an old-time outfield captain who would take them by the scruff of the neck and lead by example. I just wanted to see some urgency when Hearts scored their first goal, but they don't seem capable.
  19. The inevitable, but now to see what we're made of. Can we accept the challenge or will we fade away? Get stuck in!!!
  20. I said last week that these draws are dangerous and here we go again, this time dropping a place with Ross County having a game in hand. Despite being told we're financially strong, if we go down that strength will be short-lived and I'm not sure we'd get back up as soon as we think. This was once a tram that could go toe to toe with the best of them.
  21. Another single point, and I hate them because too many, like we're getting this year puts you in that second bottom playoff that's far too risky. Better to be bottom and take all the stress out of it for the poor punters.
  22. I'll tell you, nobody's getting past me, nobody!!🚓
  23. I'm 79, but give me a trip and a pair of boots and I'll be ready to go on!!!
  24. It's becoming depressing reading today's posts after such positive pre-game comments from the manager. I hope there's a transformation in the second half.
  25. I hate to rain on the parade, but all these single points now have us, in my opinion, in the worst relegation position more than being at the bottom where your fate is known. What's clearly missing is an integrated team plan, so we're not confronted with the defence doing well but the forwards failing, or where we don't know from one game to the other which Kelly will show up, and then the forwards scoring but the defence has more holes in it than a sieve. Surely it's management's job to bring a team onto the park that understands and can pull it together occasionally. And I think it's Rangers next!!
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