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Everything posted by Fairhill

  1. I'm thinking the manager has lost the plot. There is no comparison to last year, and I can't see it improving with the squad we have. Seems like we've fallen well below the rest of the league with summer signings.
  2. I did indeed mean Jerry Jones, and I still think you should give him a call as you know some of these guys need the odd write off from time to time. Wasn't it a bunch of Texans that were buying into Dundee? Can you just see a Well friendly at the Cotton Bowl!!
  3. I think you are right about the best alternative might be financial involvement from abroad. You might have a chat with Jessy Jones in Dallas since you're in his neck of the woods. See what you can do. Alternatively, you might try to have him send some of the Cowboy's cheerleaders on a three month foreign assignment to Fir Park. I'm sure that will take care of the dwindling attendance.
  4. I'm afraid we've hit the wall!! No money, few good players, and apparently no plan. Perhaps McCall has done as much as he can, but I'm afraid it's much deeper than that, and I fear for the future. No SPL sponsor, and no Rangers, Hearts, or Hibs. Thankfully we're above St. M and Ross C, but that I'm afraid just masks the reality of the situation. Community ownership is not working and there are no white knights out there prepared to invest in teams like us. Oh dear, the sky is falling!!! What we need is for it all to come together and give somebody a good skelping. Right?
  5. Thanks for all the comments. They all make sense, but they don't speak much to just how long we can survive with numbers like 5k. It says a lot about the manager that he's been able to keep the team as high when he can barely put a full team together on some weeks and still get results. About the game being on tv ( I actually watched it in Canada), how much money does that bring in? and how many supporters would that have covered?
  6. Fairhill

    Why So Few?

    Friend asked me why there were so few people at the Celtic game yesterday, and my answer was that the Motherwell area is not rolling in money. But I've been away for a few years and hadn't paid much attention. So let me ask it another way. With the team having done well for the last three or four years, and right in the thick of second/third place this year, why are there so few games that attract more than 5k? I understand the ICTs ad Ross Counties attendance, but for an SP team in the central belt playing an OF, how can the crowd be so low? It seems to me the squad is playing above anything that can be expected given the money coming in, but realistically how long can we expect this level of team to survive in the top league with the kind of money 4k can generate? Just askin'.
  7. That was comprehensive. Two problems: Ruddy was just not in the game, but he sure has been a star throughout the season, and the lads just aren't physically strong enough. They were continuously shunted aside all game. Saunders was pretty good, but even he isn't strong enough. Apart from that the team has given us a great year. Thanks for that.
  8. The lads did very well...except for that Rangers goal. That was an absolute disgrace, should have been a straight punt pure and simple. But we'll take the point. Remember it was 6-1 last time. Grampa Broon rules!
  9. Fairhill


    Think where we'd be if Gannon had kept the experienced guys on the park and not on the bench. Too many points lost in the first half as the other teams figured out the teens by the end of October. Grampa Broon for PM.
  10. I've been a supporter for 60 years, and have always been nervous when we draw a lower league team. Was really concerned about yesterday after the magic on Saturday. I could see TB up there in Inverness rubbing his hands knowing we'd be ripe for the taking. To recocer I always bring out the dvd of the last big win, but the thing is getting pretty thin from being played almost 1000 times
  11. There's a lot to be said in favour of better communications with the paying customer, but without strict perimeters the club's management could be consumed with answering all the questions we'd all personally have that it could easily detract fro their primary task of running the club successfully. In simple economic terms, with limited resources, the club needs to to focus on a few major priorities. Running a few focus groups, and selecting specific types of people could be more efficient than running an Q&A board on any topic an individual supported might have a thought about. When you read a wide range of comments on the various forums you can just imagine how much help many posters would be to serious matters when they can't even be civil to each other on minor issues. Boyle has put his money into the club and has appointed a management structure to get results, and the last thing I think he'd want is a free for all telling him how to run the show. Bit like the inmates running the clink. I'm really impressed with Leeann from what I've seen of her, and I applaud her intention to be closer to the supporters for many reasons, but I don't think she should abdicate her responsibilities to us. Heck, her inbox would be full after every game ans she'd have to wade through a lot of bad language from all the dossers who get online once they'e back from the pub. Of course it would likely be delegated to you know who, but what might make sense is a site that maybe took on two or three questions a week rather then create expectations among us that swamp and sink the boat.
  12. Too bad, just hope the lads aren't gutted. At least they won't be getting an unwarranted bollocking at ht. Needs somebody to take hold of it. They deserve something for dominating first half like that
  13. I remember Craig Brown when he was captain of Hamilton Academy, and since then he has been one thing, solid. Whether this is short or long term, nobody will give us more than he will. Stroke of genius this imho.
  14. Bloody heck, here i'be been tuned in on my laptop on the beach in Florida and the beeb crashes, THEN here it's bad news: beginning to get a bad feeling. Hate when we play 10 men. Another drink in order. Mon the Well
  15. Showing my age, but growing up in Hamilton there was never any doubt that they were our derby team regardless of the league. We always had the Lanarkshire Cup so we played them, Airdrie, and Rovers every year. Having said that there was always a good crowd when we played Hearts. Both teams played very good entertaining football and the games were always tight. Can never imagine anybody but Accies. My crowd had it good because the fixtures had the teams always opposite so it was Douglas Park one week and Fir Park the next. Fir park crowds were always 14/15k except for Hearts 16/17, and 30K plus when the hooligans came in from Glasgow. Great times, but must admit the pace of the game then would not stand up today, and oh yes we lads had a great time standing amoung the away supporters and having good natured banter with them.
  16. We should salute the team after a very good performance against such a talented and skilled opposition. They are an experienced and very good team, and our youngsters (reminiscent of the Ancell Babes) got stuck in. Really enjoyed the game, and in the end the score didn't bother me. On this form I feel really comfortable that we'll be just fine when the season starts. Hope there's a much bigger attendance next game, and I was really impressed by how they clapped the lads off the field. Hope we do the same and let them see the best of Scotland.
  17. Desperation here! I'm touring Canada and realllllyyyy would like one of you techies to find a link. Was able to watch last weeks game.
  18. What's disappointing is everybody saying early days. Sure not a shot at Gannon, but the team has been allowed to disintegrate before our eyes for weeks if not months. But face the facts. We really wanted to get into Europe. Llanelli showed up at our home game and everybody thinks we ran them ragged, yet the wee team wins with an away goal. And of course we're going to kill them down there!! The biggest problem Motherwell has always had is taking teams like that for granted...and I go back to the 50s. Even at the end of last season they didn't show up when they could easily have been in the top six. So the dream is in danger and our only hope is Gannon getting into their heads that the next game is a must. In the end its about guts on the pitch. If they don't go down there and win lock the door and play the Lanark Team, or Shotts and save on the salaries some of these chancers are stealing. It might have been July 2nd for us, but it was also July 2nd for them!
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