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Everything posted by wishaestevie

  1. To paraphrase the commentator, it looks like Aberdeen have the extra man ...Motherwell defending deeper and deeper... Hang in boys
  2. Sounds like Forbes is having a productive game, being mentioned in dispatches
  3. I remember speedway bikes tearing up and down the ash at tthe side of the park. Widnae be allowed noo
  4. There was a story about Blackman in the NOW or sunday Mail saying he was heading back to Blackburn to beg for the chance to return to Motherwell. Don't know how true it was but seem to recall quotations were used.
  5. This isn't news but Chic Young is an annoying, useless wee knob. When asked at half time about the Accies Well game he just rattled on about how brilliant Aberdeen are and how they will be overtaking the Well shortly.
  6. It has just been reported on BBC sportsound that McCall is in discussions again with Motherwell, re the vacant managers job. Looks likely now
  7. Many thanks for the replies , guys. Had a few Stella and couldnae find the right page.. Happy Xmas board peeps
  8. Apologies for the really lazy post but, will the ticket office be open before the game on Sunday ? Might make it through now
  9. The important point is , when JB was asked about the new manager and will one be in place for Tuesday, he stated clearly that would not be the case. They will not be rushing in to anything and will take their time and review applications that come in. That rules out Jizz and Doaddsy then. Disappointed with the BBC with running with that story, nearly gave me a heart attack !
  10. Does anyone have Leeanne or the clubs email address. Perhaps an email protest may make them think again. It may just be to the end of the season ?
  11. Its not a joke, I just heard it on the BBC radio news that Motherwell are moving fast after the departure of the coffin dodgers. Expect a stream of Division 1,2 players etc.....a la St Mirren
  12. Motherwell holding talks with Chisholm and Dodds !!! Just on the BBC. Disappointing .
  13. Great statement from the club and sums things up perfectly. Really disappointed by Broons conduct but it obviously just shows him up for who he his. The really annoying thing will be the Scottish sports 'journalists' who will be rattling on about what a great and inspired move by Aberdeen and Brown and how exciting its all going to be but they will fail to point out he's a lying, two faced, untrustworthy wee shit. Motherwell FC will be slagged off by same 'journalists' for being stupid not to have them on a 'watertight' contract and its our own fault. Anyway, onwards and upwards and no more f****g long ball shit. I'm off to wiki Co Addriaanse and Luc.
  14. Agree, at least wait until 8pm when it's to be officially announced. Just listened to some Eberdeen fans on the radio saying they're not happy with Brown 'cos he's too old !! They were maybe holding out for Guus Hiddink. Or, Craig may commit to Motherwell again, at least for a few days.
  15. Just thought I would throw this in for Kearney. Definitely worth a protest. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/society...n-201009153088/
  16. No,your not. I'm usually pretty good at walking away from a game and not getting upset about it but I'm still thinking the 'what ifs'..money in the bank, some exciting home games as well etc..
  17. Just seen it posted elsewhere that Shaun Hutchinson is off on loan for a month to Ayr.
  18. Dallas has left his post at SFA, no reasons as yet
  19. No, just that they are Category 1 Fifa registered as are the assistants. It sounded like they weren't all from the same association
  20. Just on the News, all SPL games and ALBA cup final to go ahead at the weekend. SFA still working to secure more refs for SFL games, which is unfortunate
  21. Just seen on the News that Celtic have welcomed the referees plan to strike as it may trigger a UEFA investigation into refereeing in Scotland
  22. Congratulations to Clarkie and his missus
  23. Its live on telly as well. May affect ticket sales.
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