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Everything posted by sliverbog

  1. dont you even hope!))) да и ваще ,че мы на англицком? по идее завтра свой десант проснется, и все, кирдык ,руссифицируется форум))) BALALAYKA,PUTIN,VODKA !!!
  2. and to complement Stalker- here you are http://www.transfermarkt.de/en/kuban-krasnodar/startseite/verein_2439.html
  3. hi, everybody, from the fans of the best fc KUBAN ! we are all glad that our first europe opponent is your strong and famous team.i can see that you have found some info abous us , so here somthing else: http://www.greenmile.ru/gmforum/showthread.php?t=17464 fan forum , topic about the Kuban in the Europa League http://fckuban.ru/news our official website , under every last news ther is a discussion welcome to runet.sorry for my english))))
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