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Everything posted by Spiderpig

  1. Football is expensive to follow and not everyone can afford to go to matches but i still think a season book at Fir park is a good deal. If you go to every home game then you are actually saving money buying one. You only need to look at the ticket prices in England and at Celtic and rangers to appreciate how reasonable the prices at Motherwell are. Granted the product on offer is not as good but the simple fact is that sucess costs more. If the Well do the business tonight and get through to the group stages then you can be certain that the prices will go up, big name team at Fir park, more demand for tickets etc etc.
  2. Has anyone managed to locate an Off sales selling cheap drink in Odense, its nearly 2 hrs on the train back to copenhaged
  3. Its usually only open on Sat and Sunday mornings on Matchdays so you might be struggling. Plus most of the staff will be away in Denmark, so it might be closed till Monday
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