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Albania TA

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Everything posted by Albania TA

  1. Albania TA


    Weather update - bring the suncream folks, as it will be 34 -36 degrees of brilliant sunshine for the remainder of this week.
  2. Albania TA


    Good luck with the trip - you're certainly taking the scenic route!!
  3. Would have thought that even though the Well have lost a few players this summer, they should at least avoid defeat this week. Assuming that is the case, then I would expect them to finish the job professionally back home. But then, you have to turn up in Albania with the correct attitude.............
  4. Mother Theresa Enver Hoxha Rudi Vata
  5. You are a disgrace to your club and country.
  6. Albania TA


    The roads within Albania are free. One thing to check when you are hiring your car, or if you are using your own car from Budapest is that you have the required green cards to go through the countries you traverse on your journey.
  7. Sorry mate, that's out of order. You have people with local knowledge trying to be genuinely helpful to those who are travelling to the game Why is it necessary to come out with this??
  8. Albania TA


    Hope to make it to support the Well, but likely to be a late decision due to work issues. Will know for certain tomorrow.
  9. You'll be fine, don't worry. The Albanian people are very hospitable towards foreigners. They are extremely knowledgeable about football in general, although perhaps not as much about the SPL as it is rarely shown out here. This isn't Istanbul, just enjoy the exper ience.
  10. Albania TA


    Did you consider taking the Malev flight from Budapest to Tirana, and hiring a car from there? I would allow about 5 hours from the border to Tirana and a further 3 from Tirana to Vlore. You should be able to complete the journey with ease in those timescales. There's a new tunnel opened recently on the Kukes - Durres stretch which has reduced the journey by about an hour. Although the roads have improved greatly over the last couple of years, do not expect motorway driving conditions, perticularly in Northern Albania where the roads can be a little primitive. The roads between Tirana - Durres - Fier are pretty good these days, however the final section between Fier and Vlore can be a little 'rustic' in places.
  11. Albania TA


    Folks, Jags fan here. Been based in Tirana for 18 monhs for work reasons. Was very surprised to see the official statement released by the club on Friday. Rest assured that any Motherwell fan travelling is coming to a lovely country, which is perfectly safe. And the locals are very friendly. You will have a great trip, and you'll leave with a new appreciation of Albania. If any fans coming through Tirana fancy meeting up or need any info, then please feel free to PM me. Enjoy your visit!!
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