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dennyc last won the day on January 18

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  1. Exactly the set up I was hoping for as well. For the reasons already covered. Adams gets slaughtered at times but exactly how much support does he get up front? Might not be world class but game after game he runs himself ragged in the hope that McGinn and McTominey can push forward to help him. Seems a bit one dimensional from Clarke.....and predictable. Pretty sure we could have put more pressure on Greece by playing two recognised strikers. Qualification criteria aside, I would like to have seen Conway ahead of Hirst. Although both are scoring for their Clubs. I also agree that some players appear to be able to do no wrong. Whereas others do a great job, always give their all, but get unwarranted abuse when results don't pan out. A bit like MFC in truth. I still believe Clarke is well beyond his sell by date. Germany convinced me of that and, despite him suggesting he would reassess his approach, he is as negative, uninspiring and resistant to change as ever.
  2. I agree those two were excellent in Athens. But two full games in four days was a step too far for both of them. They were done by half time and it showed second half. Clarke did nothing to help them Max J did originally struggle to get a start with Sturm Graz. That's true. But he is far from a bit part player now. He has been first choice for most of 2025. In the League and CL. The only games he missed this year were down to injury.
  3. I tend to agree with you but when you dig deeper you find that (based solely on place of birth) Max Johnston is no more entitled to play for Scotland than Scott McTominey, Lyndon Dykes and Bryan Gunn. All three born outside Scotland but with a parent or parents who were born in Scotland. Both Dykes parents were born in Scotland. So if being born outside Scotland is the criteria then our pool is even smaller and some surprising players would be ineligible. Also for me it seems unreasonable to ignore players who were born outside of Scotland because a parent was 'abroad' for work purposes. It is not as if the child chose to be born outside Scotland. Max Johnston as an example when his dad was playing for Middlesborough.. Extending qualification to take into account a grandparent is a step too far for me though. So that would exclude Hirst, Conway, Slicker and Adams. Maybe that's a balance that's fairer? Just to add to the nonsense, although the Home Nations agreed as a group to ignore them, per Uefa/Fifa players can qualify based on the length of time they have been in a country and any player born in the UK can play for any of the four nations. Schooling in a country for a set number of years is yet another route to qualification. James Tavernier is actually eligible to play for Scotland. Not saying he should but technically he qualifies. And, for the more senior amongst us, Jack Charlton also has a lot to answer for. I think the current Manager is a bigger problem than qualification criteria though. His loyalty to players who hardly feature for their Clubs is nonsensical. As is his refusal to select in form players. Only one Manager learned anything from the Thursday night win in Greece. And it wasn't Steve Clarke. Did he really believe that Ralston and Hanley with next to no game time for their Clubs could survive two full games in four days at International level.
  4. Of the players that featured on the right this season, either in a back three or as wing back, only McGinn has been an upgrade on SOD. And McGinn's best performances were when he was paired with SOD. They covered for each other when one pushed forward and looked comfortable doing it. Kaleta was the messiah for a week or so and could do no wrong in the eyes of a good few. Then we saw how poor he really was defensively. Casey was tried on the right side of the back three and anyone who was at Perth saw how much of a disaster that was. Even Casey himself going by the rumours of the fall out with Kettlewell. Katroumbis has hardly played so hard to assess. Sparrow has far more energy than most but his defensive positioning is poor and has cost us goals......although he is being asked to play a role that is new to him. Those criticising SOD as a centre back do have a point. But then Balmer, Blaney and Casey seem to get a much easier ride when they lose concentration or pass directly to the opposition. Or does anybody really think those three are error free? SOD is certainly not the player he was several years ago but I believe he can contribute as a squad player and as an 'old head' that can set an example to those less experienced. On that basis I am happy to see him back for another season. I do expect Wimmer to find a preferred starter for that right side though.
  5. Listening to the Lee Miller interview I think Lennon does regret phasing his desire to be the best in the way he did. Nothing wrong with wanting and saying you want to be the best and McGinn readily acknowledged that. He also spoke highly of Miller's ability and maturity. McGinn revealed how badly he himself had been treated by senior players when called up, Charlie Adam in particular, and gave the impression that he would ensure Miller was not treated in such a bitter, jealous manner. I thought McGinn spoke well as a captain, supported Miller and said nothing wrong. It's only the media looking for a story and a few on here that seem determined to find fault. Steve Clark also spoke well on the matter and dismissed it as nonsense.
  6. dennyc

    Retro Kits

    That brings back good memories. The second leg at Fir Park was something else. Under lights and a totally unexpected comeback. Almost 55 years ago though. That was a shock. Sadly after disposing of Morton we were then ran ragged at Hampden by St Johnstone. Aird, Hall and Connolly were just too good for us. That was a long and subdued journey back to Lanark on the supporters bus. I live and learn though. I had no idea Jumbo Muir had gained a few caps for Australia having moved there from Dumbarton. Well done him.
  7. McGhee and Strachan were sitting with the Dundee Directors last week at Fir Park.. Hopefully that's as close as either get to being involved at Fir Park.
  8. Easily sorted. Just tell all those lower league Clubs that they now have to adapt their grounds for VAR and bear all the costs associated with it's installation and usage. I suspect a good few might change their minds. Pretty damn quick. Reeks of when Brechin City used to run Scottish football. Maybe they still do. No doubt one Blazer has been swapped for another Blazer. On first class expenses of course.
  9. The players can only be as good as the Manager sets them up to be. By playing to their strengths even if that means adopting a different approach at times. SK showed no intention of doing that even before LM and AP were injured. So I do not believe he would have done anything different when they returned. We can agree to differ. Anyway, irrelevant now as you say. Thankfully we have someone new at the helm so we get back to enjoying days like today. Well done to all involved and thanks for that. Best game day I have had this season.
  10. Have to disagree. We were in total freefall with confidence shot. SK had had plenty of opportunities to change things up but either would not or could not. Those last 5 away matches were poorer than anything I can remember in years. Even the better players looked at a loss. It was that refusal to adapt that convinced me we were headed for the play off spot at best. And then it's a lottery. Just compare our approach today with our approach in the Semi Final. What Wimmer has brought out tactically and energy wise on the pitch coupled with the raised spirit in the Stands in his three matches only highlights what SK was unable to achieve. The support the fans gave the team when Dundee equalised was highlighted by both Manager and players. Early days and we need to remember that. But what a difference. The players certainly appear to appreciate the change.
  11. Cheers. So basically set up to help bigger Clubs offset FFP......or bankrupt themselves hopefully. No regard for teams that have youngsters enticed away to bigger Clubs. I guess the good aspect is that Fulham who developed the boy should have benefited from a Development Fee pay out when he moved on from Arsenal ......and possibly Sturm Graz?
  12. How does it work when Biereth spent most of his youth career at Fulham, having belatedly joined Arsenal to be part of their U21 (EPL2) set up? Is he regarded as an Arsenal youth development player? If so teams should just buy up 18 year olds, loan them out and then sell them on to gain the advantage you outline.
  13. Livi in a play off a possibility. Nightmare. Let's hope we can all feel a bit more secure after tomorrow.
  14. Like you I have seen us relegated a few times, and seen us escape on a technicality a few times as well. But those last games under Kettlewell were has bad as I can remember suffering and I think it speaks volumes that not one fan I know was surprised at how poor we were. The signs have been there for months. The lack of a regular goal scorer combined with the year on year drop in quality has finally come home to roost. Kettlewell's speculative signings hastened the decline and if Wimmer gets us out of the mess we are in he should be Manager of the Year. I hope you you are spot on with your positive forecast but I think 8th or 9th is a reach. Wellgirl is right to be worried.
  15. At our level they usually can't. And certainly not when denied support to help them out. Casey on the right of a back three, Wilson in midfield, Blaney on the left of a back three as examples.
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