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Everything posted by Dasdeid

  1. Awe c'mon Bair is at best a Championship player. Accept has improved but his lack of basics (ball control, heading and positional awareness) are severely lacking. He is often AWOL during a game and pops up for a penalty. For a guy his height and upper body strength should be a Joe Jordan ! Talk of £m offer is ludicrous and if we receive an offer £500k bite their hand off. IMO slightly better Oli Shaw and arrived to sit on bench
  2. Find the the apparent dislike of Tierney mystifying. His positional sense and willingness pick up ball in central middle third and drive ball forward something we've lacked for years. He's young and will only improve with time & games. Where I sit PoD many think the same. Morris on the other hand, should never have started and either Cornelius or Maguire a better option on the day.
  3. In the absence of KVV has to be Sheilds with Watt & Woolley. Amaluzor left behind in stand and preparing his January exit as not equipped to play SPL (he’s crap) and why barely played since signing
  4. Forget Lafferty .. I would have offered Foley years contract as made an impact when played.
  5. Think outside the box .. Shelly Kerr ?
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