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Yassin last won the day on June 9 2023

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  1. He's called up Celtic, Hearts, Hibs, St Mirren and Dundee United players to their squad so I'd hope he knew a bit more than most outsiders would.
  2. Can English teams not only loan out 5 players abroad at a time? Arteta might think Kettlewell is an absolutely cracking guy but it doesn't mean they can just give us half their u21s.
  3. Could you compare Valikari's start to Kettlewell's first few months post-Hammell, then?
  4. Tempting fate but I hate almost every member of this Kilmarnock team and would love it if they got dragged into a relegation battle.
  5. No idea what Steelboy said to start off this line of discussion but I don't think his post is any weirder than the one boasting about their FiL fighting in Vietnam? It's only been widely considered a catastrophic waste of time for about 60 years.
  6. I reckon Miller's probably technically+ definitely physically better and more equipped to move up a few levels and really shine in the modern game- but I think you'd be mental to say that Turnbull didn't have a bigger impact on games week to week than Miller has had so far. To be fair I'm not even sure if Turnbull had made his debut by the age Miller is now?
  7. Haha, he has just been booked there apparently, as it goes. Here's hoping there's a second.
  8. He's in the lineup against Hearts today, are you just anticipating him getting booked?
  9. I'd be quite surprised if many apolitical folk are running to be democratically elected representatives of a fan ownership organisation?
  10. Was Alexander not apparently relatively happy to lose Watt (and replace him with Efford?) I've still never really understand what happened there. Watt obviously played the best 6 months of his career under GA but it didn't really seem like that was down to any sort of brilliant man management that unlocked something, more that he just lucked into Watt hitting a purple patch while he was at the helm? I say this as someone who was something of an Alexander sympathiser up until the end.
  11. I don't know Andy Walker but his family are arseholes. I suppose that's a bit off topic really.
  12. Nisbet's a decent player but his face winds me up, I couldn't be fucked looking at it all season.
  13. Yassin

    POD Stand

    I've thought of a potential saving we could make
  14. Who are you hoping to draw?
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