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Everything posted by Yassin

  1. I thought we were decent today tbh. I'm not a massive fan of Robinson's commitment to playing the percentages but thought it resulted in a good few opportunities today, Ciftci nearpost, Tanner' s cutback, Main's lob, Cadden's header etc. Another new contract for Kipre please too.
  2. I don't really listen enough to notice any difference but I enjoyed last night.
  3. Wonder if we're in a position to tell Hartlepool to waive their 40% and accept something smaller or we won't sell him at all.
  4. Are Hartlepool run by idiots? They've sold Carson for a pittance and potentially talked themselves out of a decent fee by inserting such a high percentage that we have no incentive to sell him. I'm sure they'd prefer 20% of £500k than 40% of nothing.
  5. This is pretty much all I know about Hartlepool. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/21311991
  6. If the 40% thing is true then you'd be looking at a minimum of about £800k for us to even consider it.
  7. Well that's put a dampener on my evening.
  8. Losing Randolph fucked us for the best part of four seasons. Carson is the first competent keeper we've had since and we need to cling onto him as long as possible.
  9. I'm happy with anything that'll noise up Plymouth fans.
  10. Is this the first result altering stoppage time goal we've scored this season? Feels like it. Fucking yass.
  11. We'd probably have been relegated last season if not for Griffiths as well.
  12. Thank fuck Coyle turned us down and we went for Robinson btw
  13. At least it's not Alex Bruce this time I guess.
  14. I should have said league goals tbf. I do like Cadden and think he's a very good player for where we're at but as far as I'm concerned the only way he's going to the Championship anytime soon is if his technique and end product improve or if somebody takes a punt on him, a la Erwin and Heneghan.
  15. Rose is hard-working, versatile, physical and lacking in technical ability. In other words, a squad player for a mid table Scottish Premiership side.
  16. He's scored literally 0 goals this season, I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest there's further scope to improve.
  17. We've knocked Aberdeen, Rangers and Accies out of the cup and it's still only January. Pretty decent season so far all things considered.
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