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Everything posted by Yassin

  1. More of this please. Wee bit less of everything else that happened that day.
  2. I wasn't born for another two decades and am only vaguely aware of this game and the people involved but I upvoted purely for this line Pure bitterness and hatred is what makes football.
  3. A goal every other game is a fucking absurd record for a centre back
  4. Not sure if it's just me trying to make myself feel better about not being able to make it but I've got a bad feeling we'll lose this. 1-0 Accies. We'll beat Rangers though.
  5. Losing to Hibs after knocking out Aberdeen and Rangers would be fucking soul destroying though.
  6. Imagine beating Celtic in the League Cup Final and parading the cup against them a few days later. Would be the greatest opportunity for a wind up in the history of sport.
  7. Mind a few months ago when everyone was raging because we lost to Barrow?
  8. 10 points clear of the playoffs after the first two months. Fantastic start to the season.
  9. Scenes when a veteran Moult re-signs on a free in 2023.
  10. What if he was called Tom Wright?
  11. Not sure if this has been mentioned but was a tad surprised to see Zak Jules' Shrewsbury topping League One. Closer inspection reveals that they've already papped him on loan without a single appearance.
  12. Genuinely one of the best Motherwell performances in the last decade imo.
  13. One thing we can't afford to do is let Christie run straight through our midfield like Windass, Walker, Lafferty etc were allowed to do. Would be hoping for a big performance from Mchugh.
  14. Despite being Second in the league I don't really think Aberdeen have had a particuarly great start to the season tbh. They've yet to face either of the Old Firm, St Johnstone or Hibs and have had narrow victories against 3 or 4 teams you'd expect to be fighting relegation and drew 0-0 and 1-1 against Hearts and Killie teams that we beat pretty comfortably. No reason why we can't be dreaming of Hampden with a bit of luck.
  15. I avoided the result to watch it on Alba. Fearing the worst after Stoke's second I decided to pack it in and just check the FT score . Slightly regretting depriving myself of SCENES now.
  16. Louis Moult btw. Chasing a loose ball like a madman to win a corner when we were 2-0 up in the 92nd minute. What a fucking man.
  17. I'm wary of taking too much confidence from victories against Ross County and Hearts but this is a game we really should be winning. They might only be losing by the odd goal but this is still a Killie side who've taken 1 point from four home games, lost to Ayr United and are out of the League Cup already. We also look a much better team than the one that took 10 points off Kilmarnock last year. Taking all that into account, Motherwell 0 Kilmarnock 2.
  18. We'd have won by 4 tonight if only we'd played Liam Cooper.
  19. Reckon we'll be relegated this year.
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