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Everything posted by Yassin

  1. I'm sure Aberdeen put in a bid for Marvin Johnson a few years ago that was nowhere near what we eventually got from Oxford. As with Cadden to Hearts, I doubt anyone in Scotland outwith the OF would be able to offer anything close to our valuation of players. Even with the Hayes money I'd be surprised it Aberdeen are prepared to chuck £500k+ at one player.
  2. I honestly miss McGhee press conferences tbh.
  3. Yassin


    I'm away down to the British Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai to copyright Twist and Shout before somebody else steals it.
  4. Was somebody on here not convinced that the only reason Thomas wasn't starting every week was because we had to pay Celtic to play him?
  5. Spend well outwith our means to win both cups, go into administration and get relegated with a points deduction.
  6. Yeah I meant that if we play a team away twice pre-split then we're guaranteed them at home twice the season after. And vice versa. Hibs will replace Inverness so we'll go to ER at least twice.
  7. Isn't that how the fixtures work every season?
  8. Yeah he ostensibly quit but came back after a dramatic u-turn or two.
  9. We've been sorely lacking in mental cult hero foreign players for a while. I hope this will be rectified.
  10. Rose appears to be triple nationality(Australian,English,American) so you weren't too far off the mark.
  11. He sounds exactly like Cadden from that description
  12. Scenes when McDonald does the 27th U-turn of his Motherwell career and signs on, then tries to leave again next week.
  13. I'm cautiously optimistic about the season ahead. I reckon we'll probably bounce around the lower end of that 4th-9th pack and be in contention for top six but likely end up a fairly comfortable 7th or 8th. Now I've said that we'll either finish 2nd and win the cup or be relegated before the split.
  14. I've always enjoyed Mcdonald's interviews/press conferences. He always comes across as a genuinely interesting and well spoken guy, especially in comparison to the typical footballer's interview.
  15. I wouldn't mind going with a predominately white home kit with claret and amber bands for a season, similar to what Dumbarton have done recently.
  16. Fisher seems like a big game player eh? 6 of his 8 goals came in the last 6 games, the other two a Highland derby and last minute equaliser against Celtic.
  17. "with Robinson looking for a tough-tackling midfielder for next season" With Mchugh,Campbell and Lasley I'd say a "tough-tackling" midfielder is practically the only area we don't need to strengthen.
  18. Rangers fans hate him too I think, so that's one for the Pro column.
  19. Just noticed the awful pun there, I genuinely didn't mean that
  20. He's obviously a bit of a joke figure, but I'd be delighted with Lafferty.
  21. An away game at Queens Park to start the season would be quite nice symmetry to our Hampden success next May.
  22. Accies stay up by the skin of their teeth every season, gifting us 8+ points along the way seems like an ideal scenario imo.
  23. Yeah they won the Youth Cup. The Livi game was in the Challenge Cup, our u20s went out to Airdrie iirc.
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