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Everything posted by Yassin

  1. I absolutely love Craigan, and hope he manages us one day, but if we're going to sack McGhee-which I'm still 50/50 on- then I don't think we can afford to take a risk. With our precarious position I don't think it'd be wise to give a guy his first management job. With a lack of obvious candidates I'd maybe just keep McGhee to the end of the season- provided we don't lose next week- then give it to Craigan.
  2. Yassin

    Mcghee Out?

    I'm coming around to this a wee bit
  3. We've won 5, drawn 5 and lost 11 of our last 21 league games. Dundee have won once more and drawn one less, which would suggest they are just as dire as us.
  4. And Vigurs never played for us against Rangers.
  5. It's a bit of a yer da tactic,but I think we could do with a massive unit at the back- Jules- to combat Haber. I'd still say Jules is the best option regardless though.
  6. Hopefully thisGraeme has a word.
  7. I reckon we'll click in this one, a la Accies or Ross County at home. 3-1 Motherwell.
  8. Craig Moore equalises for Ayr late on, how long has he been back from his injury?
  9. Heneghan alone has played 30 this season... Pointless nitpicking on my part aside, they seem to be holding up ok so far.
  10. Yassin

    Mcghee Out?

    There's people bumping this thread and baying for blood after literally every defeat though. If all this was just an immediate reaction to last night's debacle it'd be understandable but it's the same people constantly losing their shit whenever we drop points.
  11. Yassin

    Mcghee Out?

    There's a lot in our fanbase that just lose any objectivity or rationality when it comes to Mark McGhee, and use everything as a stick to beat him with. Some of it is just complete double standards- he's been widely accused of not caring enough about the club, yet when he's clearly hurting after defeats- like the Ibrox interview, or last night's antics- he's apparently an embarrassment to the club and we hear all the "I won't be back" shite. Or he's accused of being simultaneously too arrogant and too defeatist at the same time. It's a weird season, where there's 4/5 teams far superior to the rest, and if Mark McGhee can continue to beat the teams around us and finish lower midtable then I'm perfectly happy with that from a season that's been more about stability and bringing through and developing young players than anything else.
  12. Yassin

    Mcghee Out?

    To be fair outwith that top 4 we have won more than we've lost.
  13. Yassin

    Mcghee Out?

    Obviously capitulations like this are horrendous,no argument there, but in the grand scheme of things we're still roughly where we would hope to be in the league, and no worse than the rest of the bottom 7. As it stands, I think McGhee will keep us up and I don't think it's worth risking that on the back of bad defeats to three of the League's best teams. Maybe in the summer there could be a discussion but right now it would be knee jerk, despite the justified anger tonight.
  14. Forgive me for not being mental, but is it not more likely that "deserve some good news after the way you've been treated" is just referring to his bad luck with injuries?
  15. It appears Jacob Blyth scores when he wants.
  16. Yassin

    Mcghee Out?

    Utterly mental National League teams are professional sides, some with 3k+ crowds. Otherwise, why bother with Marvin Johnson or Louis Moult when we could just pick up somebody of similar quality at Pollock or Auchinleck Talbot?
  17. This Moult guy is an absolute wage thief-no use anywhere but upfront. Bring back Hateley and Josh Law imo.
  18. I thought Cadden roasted Sowah but his final ball was uncharacteristically poor. Went for Jules because he didn't seem out of his depth in his first start at this level and was better than anyone else we've played at left back this season.
  19. Luke Watt's went on loan to East Fife.
  20. Not really sure what the point of this exercise was but I found it interesting regardless. Ojamaa with Motherwell- 85 apps, 17 goals Ojamaa without Motherwell- 127 apps, 9 goals Not somebody I would be relying on as a goalscorer if I was Dundee, though I can see him getting a decent amount of assists as a foil for Haber. Could go either way really.
  21. Seen a few people mention Ojaama but it doesn't really make much sense to me. I love the guy but he's always been more of a winger than an out and out striker imo. In an ideal world it'd be great to have him back but with Frear,Ainsworth and Cadden all in the squad I don't really see where he fits in.
  22. I liked Laing at right back, would maybe have stuck with him for a while longer rather than Law. Tait's nailed down that starting spot now though and we have McMillan as a a back up as well so it's pretty clear Laing is surplus to requirements. Shame,I still think he has the potential to be a decent player but time is running out for him to realise it.
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