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Everything posted by Yassin

  1. Worked out well enough for us tbf, Erwin could maybe still develop into a good striker at this level, but we lost a raw player with potential in return for a six figure sum and a much better player in Moult.
  2. "a blonde Josh Maggenis" almost sounds a tad generous now.
  3. Yassin

    Albo 10

    Frivolous use of club funds imo
  4. Wouldn't be against us trying to sign Alan Mannus either now or in the summer.
  5. Tait moving up a rung in the ladder after Paterson's injury...
  6. Plus most people will either be at the game and not posting, or not at the game so without much to contribute.
  7. I think we'll win tonight. It's been said before,but whenever McGhee looks to be in a bit of a hole as Motherwell manager he always seems to dig his way out of it.
  8. Think there's a few teams in the second tier- Hibs, United and maybe Falkirk- ahead of us.
  9. Burma's finest taxi driver-cum-web expert, destroyer of Japanese troll cabals.
  10. Hopefully we get relegated this year and draw them in the Challenge Cup. Higdon
  11. I think he means we're not really any better off than we were at 2.59 today. Been like that all season though.
  12. Yassin


    With only a few weeks left till 2017 this must be in with a chance of "best post of 2016" .
  13. Yassin


    Not really sure why anybody has a problem with this tbh. We agree to taking an unknown on loan for no cost, and in the off chance that he turns out to be a player- fantastic- if not, then there's no harm done. For every Casagolda or Semih Aydilek there's a Henrik Ojamaa.
  14. They were absolutely diabolical tonight, no reason why we can't go there and win.
  15. I hadn't even thought about the potential for a replay-could end up playing them 7 times this season.
  16. Is that Sevco two weeks in a row then? Surely we're bound to get a result from one of the games.
  17. Heneghan and Tait doing that pre-game signing zone thing tomorrow.Injured?
  18. might be the best paragraph I've ever read on this website.
  19. Ross Forbes = poor man's Iain Vigurs.
  20. There might be the odd exception but I'd imagine anyone who stops going to games solely because they don't like Mark Mcghee's personality-because it can't be his results- would just find some other reason to stay away if he wasn't in charge.
  21. I don't really follow the inner financial workings of the club, anyone care to TLDR: is this a good thing or not?
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