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Everything posted by Yassin

  1. Is Clark still making them train at 19.45 ahead of midweek games?
  2. I don't think Sheffield United to Brighton would count as cross border? Edit: unless I'm misinterpreting that line.
  3. Did Swindon pay Legia for Ojamaa?
  4. McDonald from Celtic to Middlesbrough?
  5. If FM's accurate (it isn't) we might get about 2.5%(we won't).
  6. Won't be long until we're losing players on free transfers to Kelvin Kabs.
  7. £500k would be fair enough I think.
  8. I was looking into this the other day. We've won the last three opening games 1-0, and haven't conceded a goal since 2010.
  9. To be fair, we got two lower league teams in this competition last year.
  10. Stranraer need a win just as much as we do, hopefully we can take advantage if they attack.
  11. Do results really matter in the u20s?
  12. He was whoring Hemmings and Stewart out on Sportsound the other day.
  13. This article seems pretty confident that the English FA will be allowed to implement it.http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/36904466
  14. 3 goals for Vigz tonight.
  15. Yassin

    Louis Laing

    Yeah, I agree, hopefully we stick by him. Just my thinking that under these budget constraints we'll be forced to choose between putting faith in potential or cutting out losses.
  16. Yassin

    Louis Laing

    I like Laing too, I think he's a better option for backup/rotation than Law or Kenned, and he's definitely got the potential to grow into a decent player. I'm not sure if we can afford to let him develop while paying him what is,presumably, a first team wage,though.
  17. Amazed there's even any debate. Luke Watt getting a few games should be far more important to the club than petty matters like £200k and qualifying for European competition.
  18. Are we going to be in the market for a striker? I doubt McKay would come here to play the "Wes Fletcher" role.
  19. He was signed to be a short-term stopgap squad player in a position we were light in, and that's exactly what he has been. Nothing more, nothing less.
  20. Iirc that 2014 run was ended by a (3-0?) loss at Parkhead...
  21. I'm pretty sure we outbid Championship and League 1 clubs for Marvin. Yeovil were one I remember hearing about .
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