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Everything posted by Yassin

  1. Really hope that's not true. Offers something different and a bit more quality than Johnson. Not sure my heart can take losing Lionel and Vigurs in the space of a year either.
  2. If we win, we go 5 points clear with a game in hand. Pretty big advantage at this stage of the year if we can pull it off.
  3. I don't think Scottish football is half as Machiavellian as we make it out to be.
  4. You have convinced me Raoul. I am going to vote to leave.
  5. We managed to get a draw last season when we barely had a manager , no reason why we can't match that on Saturday.
  6. Aye. Somebody said this elsewhere but I can see Moult hopefully going on to have a fantastic career with us.
  7. We're closer to Kilmarnock than we are United.
  8. Decent day tbh , all things considered.
  9. Okay. Try this : Scott Macdonald has scored as many goals in 23 SPFL appearances as Dougie Imrie has in 47. His arrival seen us go from a run of 4 points out of a possible 27 to 15/33. He had a pretty obvious positive influence on Lee Erwin, who went on to net us a few hundred thousand pounds. There's a reason Scott Macdonald has played in the Champions League and Dougie Imrie spent his career bouncing around mediocrity in Scotland.
  10. Not surprised to see that someone who thinks Dougie Imrie is better than Scott Macdonald also has trouble typing three letter words.
  11. I thought we played quite well on Saturday
  12. He was an integral part of the joint highest placed Motherwell team in living memory and was one of the best a bad bunch in the next season before being dropped. Sure, clapping opposition goals might be a tad cringeworthy -but not nearly as much as people abusing the guy for two years and then booing him for no apparent reason when he came back. Probably the same type that insist he "stole a wage" tbh.
  13. The decision to get rid of Vigurs gets all the more ridiculous when you consider our absolutely dire midfield options. Re the game today, I actually really enjoyed it. Could easily have finished 2 or 3 each.
  14. Who was it that said none of our strikers would get 5 goals?
  15. Thanks for that Pittodrie goal and all, but hopefully we never see Reid at Fir Park again. Way out of his depth.
  16. Aye but who needs right backs when you have 6 strikers.
  17. I've got a horrible feeling we're going to bring a big away support and slip up again. That said, it's probably just paranoia, and I do have faith in Mcghee and the team to continue the improvement and hopefully win.
  18. Really encouraging result if we hold on. Tense 10 minutes coming up though .
  19. Yassin

    Baraclough Out

    I said from day one that Baraclough was a four-flusher and a pettifoger.
  20. Mcfadden at his peak was probably better than Sutton as well.
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