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Everything posted by Yassin

  1. This'll be the Hearts that were,eh,relegated?
  2. Is Dom Thomas of Romani descent? Even more ammo for my one man vendetta against him.
  3. I think seib was implying that I am some sort of travelling entertainer, a suggestion I find deeply offensive.
  4. If by "here" you mean this forum then you would see from my profile that I've been here since March 21st. This is, I assume you have deduced, a little over 8 months which, again relying on your math skills, is longer than a week.
  5. Can't wait for the Dundee United game, hoping we line up something like this Dom Thomas Dom Thomas Dom Thomas Dom Thomas Dom Thomas Dom Thomas Dom Thomas Dom Thomas Dom Thomas Dom Thomas Thom Domas
  6. Dom Thomas was clearly out of his depth against Fulham, he is rightfully nowhere near the first team this season based on that.
  7. Letting blatant homophobia, racism and antisemitism go unchallenged has always turned out well before.
  8. We'd probably end up with a Malky Mackay/Nick Griffin double act.
  9. Replace the first word in "gay snakes" with "Jewish" or "Black". I think people have a right to be offended, you short arsehole.
  10. I'd need conclusive evidence that he was,in fact, not a c**t.
  11. He'd still be a cunt,though I obviously wouldn't be calling for his head. Hallmarks have been in touch.
  12. Jimmy Calderwood is a dinosaur and all round cunt of a human being who can fuck right off.
  13. Because he's a player far above this level if utilised properly in the right formation.
  14. Yassin

    Dundee Utd

    Twardzik gives the slightly jarring impression of being a bombscare that's in total control of what he's doing.
  15. Vigurs is by far the best footballer in our team.
  16. Yassin

    Dundee Utd

    I thought Josh Law had a good game, went for Twardzik though.
  17. Need to fit Arnier and Vigours into this team somehow,as long as it doesn't impact on Jesus Christ Dom Thomas.
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