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twistandshout1983 last won the day on March 23

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About twistandshout1983

  • Birthday 12/18/1983

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  • Interests
    Motherwell, Scotland national team, Liverpool

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Pushing for the First XI

Pushing for the First XI (5/10)



  1. Here is hoping 3 points for the Well 🤞
  2. I don't believe any Well fan genuinely would have wanted to see Billy Davies back as manager I did say last week light heartedly someone give the guy a job , not that I think he would do good . Team like Dunfermline potentially before they appointed Lennon is more his level I do enjoy listening to his interviews at times though partly for comedy purposes, there is no doubting he has been out the game so long for a reason When he suggested he would work at Rangers for free couple of seasons back it smacked of desperation a bit
  3. Scotland were really poor tonight , deserved win for Greece . Lennon Miller could not have been any worse at all
  4. Tam Cowan had some good stories on off the Ball today Spoke about Cooper's debut a 4-1 game at Killie Also mentioned we went top of the league in October 89 , with Cooper and Russell and he went to a petrol station just after midnight to get a copy of an early morning newspaper to see Motherwell top of the league There was a queue of people who had the exact same idea
  5. Has to be the best bit of business that Motherwell have ever done
  6. I had that one as well, to this day every time I hear the Queen song It's a Kind of Magic it makes me think of Davie Cooper
  7. My first Well legend , along with wee Dougie They don't make players like them now . The fact we have both a stand and and a suite named after him shows how much impact he had in those 4 years
  8. 30 years tomorrow since the great man passed . Heard there is a tribute at Hampden tomorrow planned A proper Well legend 💯
  9. The legend that is Mitchell Van Der Gaag Classic end of the season drama
  10. The party was well and truly spoiled that day
  11. Wee Billy , someone just give the man a job 🤣 On a serious note I would like to see him at another club, despite the length of time he has been out the game
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