Im genuinely not having a go but what exactly is it Hastie has shown you that makes you think hes worth signing again. I genuinely want to know what I'm missing.
Dunne ,and Crawford are a worry that GA thinks they are worth keeping but with the release list he has created capacity. Ill reserve judgement until GA has recruited in full.
what im saying is we had a shite squad but not as bad as kilmarnocks. They were easily worse. They had one threat and that was Lafferty , as poor as we were we had two or three options up front.
if Kilmarnock had appointed Graham Alexander they'd still have gone down . He inherited a squad of absolute shite. Next year will tell if Kilmarnock made an error with Tommy Wright , will also tell if Motherwell made the right or wrong choice. Im reassured by the fact most of whom I wanted punted appear to getting punted but its a huge close season for GA to get his team up and
there shouldnt be. the current squad served up endless games of mind numbing shite and quite a few utter embarrassments. Glad to see the back of most of them.
Long might not have wanted to be at the club. No point offering contracts to people who want away or think they are better than they are. He only came back cos no one came in for him. Theres just something no right about him. Will be no great loss.
Pleased to see him doing the clear out needed. No point being timid , bold is better.. I've said for months we should punt 90% of them , they served up a season of utter mind numbing pish. Surprised they are keeping Dunne mind you.
Perhaps read my reply in the context of the message I was replying to instead of the "would you rather " nonsense. Im well aware what GA was brought in to do and hes done it but what we've watched has been utter shite so as the poster to whom I was replying was rightly saying a win would merely paper over the cracks.
Lawless is one of many that should never play for us again. The worrying thing is we gave Crawford an extended contract and he is fuckin pish so that's the honking standard we will be offering contracts to. So instead of clearing out the substantial amount of dross we will probably keep most of it.
You cant argue with the points haul but the play has been generally mind numbing awful to watch. Can only hope he has a few deals up his sleeve to improve that side of things over the summer..
hes done the job he was brought into do. God forbid the standard remains the same next season. I really hope hes looking to move on quite a number of those who have dished up some real shite over the season.
id rather Accies stayed up I want some chances to eventually humiliate them and fuck that losing a game 5 mins away to end up going to Dundee of fucking Dingwall.