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Everything posted by Yorkyred

  1. I think we’ve won a watch, he looks a real prospect.
  2. We also gave them a right doing in the quarter final the year before, just about as good as I’ve seen us that evening.
  3. Really, I’m quite happy with that. Should be a decent crowd and we usually do well against them.
  4. I’m the same, the midfield 3 used in the last two games are an absolute disaster and I would only be moving forward with Goss.
  5. Not sure why we have not at least seen Slattery and probably Shaw given time.
  6. We only have ourselves to blame, a really poor performance
  7. I’m of the opinion no one has been excellent
  8. Sadly we decided to wait until the last 10 minutes to up the tempo and guess what, they then struggle to cope with it.
  9. Very poor second half from us, we really look to be In second gear, very sluggish
  10. It the greatest half without being the worst. We’ve been the better team, Morton have however had their chances. Roberts and Shields have both put in decent showings, personally I think McGinley has had a good half with Goss the better of the three midfielders. I hope we switch things up for the second half and certainly give Slattery, Shaw, and Tierney some time. I don’t think we’re going to lose this one but it’s not going to end up 3-0 either.
  11. Happy to see Shields get a chance, not too worried about the back line. I’m not a fan of the midfield at all though. Is Slattery not fit enough, I also thought Shaw was coming in to actually play games. Surely this is an opportunity for the likes of Shaw and Tierney to get game time ?
  12. I’de be amazed if we don’t bounce back with a win, we pretty much always do under Alexander. Can’t make the game itself now so its watching it on the telly for me
  13. From what I’ve seen I’m not too bothered
  14. Yes but the’re not McGinley of SOD so it does not count.
  15. My personal opinion is he’s a centre half and when playing in the championship when out on loan he looked very promising, he just fell a little short at Premiership level. I don’t believe he’s a natural midfielder but hope to be proven wrong. The club certainly have a high regard of him and have shown that by awarding that new contract.
  16. I’m still not convinced by Maguire. He failed to make it as a centre half which for me is his natural position. I don't think he’s a midfielder and playing while we have other midfielders not starting.
  17. Hopefully Alexander is ok and did not combust overnight, he looked like he needed a par of boxing gloves in the interview. I think I’m struggling to think of a time I’ve ever seen a manager so angry at a press conference other the the Dundee United manager when he punched the reporter.
  18. Sorry I don’t think they always are. McGinley for one has had some very good performances this season and that’s why he’s kept Carroll out ( and as many may remember I’m a big fan of Carroll) Yes he’s also had poor games but so has everyone. One thing I’ve always noticed on here is if you’re a product of the youth academy you get a far easier ride. Invariably if we have a poor performance it’s the same names that get mentioned and not the team as a whole. Grimmy was another one slated in the same way as though the performance was his fault alone.
  19. I would question tonights line up, not sure if Alexander was slightly complacent himself but I took one look and was less than enthusiastic. Not his greatest night either for me.
  20. I suspect that as is the norm after a performance like this the team as a whole under performed. Very little mention of midfield but I suspect they also played a part. But of course the likes of McGinley and O’Donnell are always going to be first in the firing line while others won’t get a mention. Did Alexander get the starting line up correct, again maybe a factor.
  21. That Burrows, how on earth is he not out cleaning the streets, he’s just gets everything wrong.
  22. We actually are though, the points and position don’t lie.
  23. Wow that’s one hell of a fuck up against 10 men.
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