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Everything posted by Yorkyred

  1. We certainly have a number of midfielders but I would not say the overall quality is that high at the moment. If he’s better than what we have I don’t see the problem and would rather that than see Crawford given a game if Covid or injuries and suspension hit. Let’s be honest at the moment it’s Goss and Slattery and then it’s down to Donnelly staying fit. The others still need time to develop or are struggling at the level.
  2. You might want to look on the BBC website and the article on it at the moment. You believe it’s all pretty much unimportant so nothing is going to change your mind but the actual reported figures are never going to be close to the actual number of people that have it and record it.
  3. Almost one in five people in Scotland have covid just now and that’s just the reported number, a huge number will also be unrecorded, as high as another two million suggested. That’s all anyone needs to know when they moan about not been able to attend a game of football.
  4. I know you keep pushing this but there are more important things than not being able to attend a football game at the moment. Numbers are still rising and trust me they will keep rising because of mixing at the new year. Peoples health is more important than a game of football just now.
  5. United will be in financial trouble again at some point. I still think we can compete with anyone outside the old firm.
  6. I’m pretty luke warm about him in truth but the club clearly rate him and as such I defer to there knowledge
  7. Not a chance, Covid numbers are rising not falling.
  8. I think it would be interesting, and maybe for some of the fanbase quite an exciting prospect, not sure it would work though and Lafferty/Alexander ?
  9. Nicky Clark keeps getting a mention, not for me but I can see the logic.
  10. Jordon White could have hit 8 goals at United that season so yes I’m afraid as it stands Shankland is a very good Championship level player. If Shields is given a run which he deserves he could well be what we need anyway.
  11. While we don’t know what he’s getting I would be more worried if a Dundee United supporter that they are heading back into trouble. Motherwell could start throwing money around again but I doubt it would end well
  12. I would do the same in a heartbeat, anyone wants to offer me two to thee times what I’m earning now let me know, I’m off as soon as. The whole kiss the badge type thing is a mistake but let’s be honest Tony is really just a big kid in an adults body so hardly a shock.
  13. Goss for me, no idea why Van Veen would get it when looking at the whole month.
  14. When will the Luis Moult talk start again ? Even injured he’s got to be in the frame.
  15. I would say no it’s not, they could I guess make a claim for a shot at the cup ?
  16. Personally I don’t believe he will do as well there. There is also the financial uncertainty at Dundee United which could see pressure on them to cut costs down the line. They look to be making the very same mistakes and spending money they don’t have and that rarely ends well. From a football perspective its a backwards move and he may well look back and see his time here as the best spell of his footballing career, but of course he will be able to do that while raking in more money which is all this is about.
  17. I thought that overall we were ok, we’ve been far poorer than that in many games. Van Veen takes the plaudits but a special mention to Shields who I thought was also excellent. Great first half of the season so well done Alexander.
  18. Dare I say a fine ball on from Shields, buffering is a pain.
  19. Why don’t we all just try and stay as safe as possible instead of getting in a rage because there’s a reduced capacity at a game of football. “ perspective”
  20. You don’t believe shield deserves a chance with a run in the team ? From what I’ve seen he runs his socks off and could well improve given time.
  21. Think that pretty much confirms he’s away
  22. We don’t have anything concrete at this point do we ?
  23. I think that’s the way to look at it. I tend to ignore any statement from players giving indications they are happy and want to stay, they only want to stay if they can get a big increase in wages, it’s really got nothing to do with ambition, that is the ambition. We’ve got players that can earn more moving to none league clubs down in England.
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